GOF Central 2024
An Octagonal Time
In The Of Ohio
June 17-21
Newark, Ohio

Paul Johnson Distance Award

Paul Johnson Trophy
Team distance driving award to the Club with the most MG miles driven to the GOF Central event.

Dave and Pat Zyp display the Paul Johnson Trophy after the Ohio Chapter won it back recently.
Previous Winners:
1996 MG3 Milwaukee
1997 Ohio Chapter
1998 Ohio Chapter
1999 Michigan
2000 VMGCC Chicago
2001 Ohio Chapter
2002 Minnesota
2003 Ohio Chapter
2004 Minnesota
2005 Ohio Chapter
2006 Minnesota
2007 VMGCC Chicago
2008 Ohio Chapter
2009 Minnesota
2010 Ohio Chapter
2011 Minnesota
2012 VMGCC Chicago
2013 Ohio Chapter
2014 Olde Octagons of Indiana
2015 Ohio Chapter
2016 an ALL MG Event
2017 Michigan
2018 Minnesota
2019 Chicago
2020 Covid
2021 an All MG Event
2022 VMGCC Chicago
2023 Ohio Chapter
2024 ????????
Competition Rules
The object of the award is to encourage the preparation and driving of all MG's in the long distance driving tradition of Paul Johnson. Paul was an ardent supporter of GOF Central and the award is also intended to promote the attendance of GOF Central by members of all GOF Central Clubs even though it may require them to make a long journey and to encourage owners of older MG's to drive them to GOF's.
The award will be made on the basis of miles driven to GOF Central in an MG by members of a MG Club that is a member of GOF Central. A traveling trophy will be awarded each year to the winning club, with the club being responsible for engraving its name and the year on the trophy. Members of the winning team will also receive individual awards recognizing their participation in the team winning that year's Johnson Trophy competition.
The following rules will govern the Johnson Trophy competition:
Competitors must be a member of the member Club prior to their departure for GOF Central.
All miles driven during the trip to GOF Central will be counted.
Points for mileage driven in an MG will be awarded as follows:
1 point per mile driven in a 1956 or newer MG
2 points per mile driven in a 1945 through 1955 MG
3 points per mile driven in an MG older than 1945.
A Club can not win the trophy 2 years in a row.
Each Club will designate a leader for their team who will be responsible for gathering name, mileage and car type driven for each of their participants and submitting it to the person responsible for the award at GOF Central (Suggested form for this is attached). Information may be supplemented by that person up to the cut-off time designated by the Host Club (suggested time not earlier than noon of the day of the Awards Banquet). The Host Club will total the points for each Club on the basis of the information submitted by the designated person of each Club. Presentation of the trophy to the winning team will be made at the Awards Banquet at each GOF Central. Club winning the trophy will be responsible for engraving the trophy and delivering it to the Club sponsoring the next GOF Central in time for presentation at their event.
Team does not need to calculate scores. It will be done by GOF person coordinating competition using the following factors: 1 for 1956-1980 MG, 2 for 1945-55 MG; and 3 for MG earlier than 1945.
Something about Staten Island to San Diego in 50 hours and 28 minutes in an MG-TD!