Official Club Hangout _

2014 Past Events
Ohio Chapter Christmas Party
The Ohio Chapter Christmas Party was held on December 7, 2014 at the Country Club of Hudson.
Dave Jackman Fall Colors Tour
The Dave Jackman Fall Colors Tour was held on October 6-9, 2014 in Helen, Georgia.
Fall 2014 GOOF (Gathering of the Ohio Faithful) was held in Xenia, Ohio September 26th through the 28th, 2014. Xenia GOF was well attended and everyone enjoyed their tour through the beautifully restored Westcott House, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Yellow Springs, Clifton Gorge and Mill, Glen Helen and environs provided great MG driving in clear, comfortable fall weather. Follow the link in the headline above for photos.
The spring GOOF in Athens, Ohio was terrific! Dave and Ellen Shelburne hosted a fabulous weekend. The Mendelsohns won the great MG pin challenge. Click on the headline above to take a look at some of the cars and events!
Athens GOOF, June 20-22, 2014 was great fun for all. Watch the video to see some of the highlights.

More than 30 MGs park on the levee in Belpre enroute to Blennerhassett Island

14 entrants battled it out for the collection of the MOST pins from a recognized MG event and for the honor of having the single OLDEST pin. Faithfulness to the MG gatherings paid off here.
Winners - Athens' "Great MG Pin Challenge"
Most Pins: 1st - Bob & Lynn Mendelsohn 41
2nd - TIE - Dick Hall 39
Jack Smittle 39
Oldest Pin: Bob Satava - 1967
Here the Faithful are recognized for their long devotion to MGs!
1. Pins must be from any recognized MG event or gathering, local, national or international, that you attended personally.
2. Generic MG pins and club ID pins (no specific event) are not allowed.
3. Pins in contention for oldest must have a date on them or a mark that can be verified by external means as to when the event was held.
4. Events not specifically designated as MG are not allowed.
5. Events held jointly with other marques are not allowed.
6. All MG pins have the same value (even though we might prize certain ones more in our hearts!)
7. Each pin must be unique, doubles don't count.
8. Pins traded for or collected from others not allowed. Though only you will know the truth! Bring the collected pins anyway, they probably have a great story!
9. Pins should be secured to a piece of material or mounted on foam core board. And have your name on the display, so we know who to ask questions of.
10. Dash plaques not allowed in this event.