Official Club Hangout _

By the first Crier for 1990, March, Volume 21, Number 1, there were two different
names among the officers last reported in 1988, Sheila Bly and Jim Pesta, with the
others continuing.
Chairman -Jack Bauer
Secretary - Phyllis Hall
Publicity - Sheila Bly
Technical - Dan Glow
Regalia - Sharon &
George Hasek
Treasurer - Rita Glow
Past Chairman - Will Kennard
Membership -Jim Pesta
Spares -Dave Zyp
Editor- Owen J. Williams
Hosts for the 1990 Natter N Noggin were the Yaussys; the spring GOF XLI hosts
Sheila and Dave Bly; and the fall GOF XLII, Sharon and George Hasek.
Jack Bauer in the "Chairman's Comer" column wrote: "The membership has
become increasingly polarized over the source of its leadership and the approach
it takes toward the activities of the dub." He felt mechanisms for ensuring
rotation officers were unnecessary and instead urged members to confer with the
nominating committee and let them know whom they recommend.
In truth, the nominating committee is the single most important...group
in the club....[By] increasing the number of people who have held or hold
offices in the club [comes] the increased feeling of ownership, of
belonging to and caring about the organization for its own va1ue...[and]
from having been ...involved in shaping the character or the
organization....Help the nominating committee find and draft people for
office whose interest we share and from whose talents we have thus far
failed to benefit.
There were six new members of the chapter and the "Great Events" column listed
11 events. The Kimber Festival would be in Shreveport, La., the Ohio Chapter's
June 1-3 GOF on South Bass Island, hosted by the Blys, and the chapter's October
5-7 GOF in Richfield, hosted by the Haseks. Other U.S. events, some supplying
registration forms, were scheduled from points as distant as Portland, Ore. to
Mystic, Conn. The unusual listing was for a July 2-24 Circuit of Great Britain.
A short article from Phil and Dallas Smith invited all to the second Wyandot
Picnic Rally on Saturday, August 1,8, "a seat-of-the-pants fun rally through
Wyandot County. It would involve 40 to 50 miles of leisurely driving, as well m
some out-of-car experiences, and conclude with a picnic. The hosts added that
"while the rally is primarily an MG event, we will welcome any British sports
car" and even your modem iron will serve as an acceptable replacement.
Secretary Phillis Hall looked ahead in her report and asked members to note on
their 1991 calendars the April 5 Kimber Festival to be held in the Cincinnati area
and hosted by Pat and Dave Zyp. Help would be needed. There was also notice
that lim Pesta's Autographics "is now providing all of the Ohio regalia clothing.
Anything with an Ohio logo would earn a 10 percent contribution "to our club."
Dan Glow in "Valve Clatter" gave suggestions for successfully removing rusty
bolts rather breaking them off out of haste. He detailed several possibilities,
including advice to not plunge ahead but "stop for a minute, relax, have a beer or
whatever....Think the situation through" to avoid a worse position. Dan added a
request for input from others for the column.
Creating new topics is becoming more difficult as time goes by. The
purpose of these articles is to present material which is not available in
other MG publications and which does not repeat itself. Our last tech
session which addressed your current needs directly, seemed quite
successful and saw us answering each other's questions. Please help us all
by writing your questions to me which we will answer to the benefit of all
through 'Valve Clatter." Or better still, write me about a helpful thing
you've discovered so we can all share your knowledge.
The June Crier, issue 2 of 1990, included a "Chairman's Corner" account of the
Bauer's anticipating the Circuit of Britain tour which would cap a long list d
trips for his TD.
The list of "Great Events" spanned more than a year and in addition to the April
1991 Kimber Festival in Cincinnati, there was a NEMGTR tour planned for early
July in 1991, the Maritime Meander. Most of the issue was taken up with
registration forms for events. Dan Glow in "Valve Clatter" first offered thanks for
the great time at the Put-in-Bay Ohio GOF "thanks to the Blys, the Metcalfs, Bob
Satava, Susan Rockford" and all their committee people. "Technically speaking,
we all discovered how well a t-Series will handle eight to 10 foot waves
tenaciously clinging to a wet steel deck." Dan again asked for contributed articles
and included a page questionnaire of restoration steps seeking to find which
ones members would do for themselves or have done professionally.
For the December Crier, the third and last of 1990, Chairman Bauer reported on
his, Meier's and third passenger Katie's participation in the Circuit of Britain. A
snapshot of the Ohio contingent showed 16 Ohio Chapter members posed below
an MG sign in Abingdon-on-Thames. It was a romantic account of the
countryside, towns named Upper and Lower Slaughter, and spoke of the 49
Yankee cars and one Canadian car participating. The Prescott Hill Climb had
been a memorable challenge. While his TD performed well for "the most difficult
race track" Jack had ever been near, "the right axle half-shaft snapped coming
back from the laundromat that evening. He closed noting it was his last article as
chairman and said "good luck to Tom Metcalf as he assumes this role." A page by
Pat and Dave Zyp promoted the 1991 Kimber Festival promising "good food and
no arches over the building!" There was a call for assistants, "folks to make it all
Dan Glow reported that the upcoming natter and tech session would focus on
special tuning for trials work, "commonly called speed tuning." The list of things
to be covered was long, "everything from stage one through stage five" plus
differences between stock and racing heads, manifolds and cams "and all that
good stuff that makes the adrenaline flow when you put your foot in it."
The last Bauer edition ended with an invited piece from his father, an account d
his parent's trip to deliver Jack's TD to the dock at Port Elizabeth, N.J. for
transport to Liverpool and the Circuit of Britain. These MG enthusiasts were
"seventy years plus" but enjoyed an adventurous trip east.
A new year and with it came changes in the roster of Ohio Chapter officers. Tom
Metcalf became chapter chair and Crier edltorship was assumed by Phil and
Dallas Smith.
The new editorial team had kind words, deserved, for retiring editor Jim
Williams. Phil and Dallas offered new ideas as well. Manley Ford had agreed to
provide a column devoted to vintage racing and the editors intended to
inaugurate another new column, "Restorations in Progress ... or/ Resting, in
Chairman Metcalf, a purist to the core, scolded defectors to the Miata, and had
even less patience with those parts from MG vendors bearing the tag reading
"Made in Taiwan, R.O.C." At the same time, Tom was gracious in his thanks
offered Jack Bauer, Dan Glow, Manley Ford, and Jim Williams for their
contributions to the chapter.
The schedule of future events was highlighted by the 1991 Kimber Festival, to be
held in Cincinnati at the Drawbridge Inn and hosted by Dave and Pat Zyp. The
dates were April 5-7. And then there was the "Fall Hall Affair." Chairman
Metcalf did have a way with language! The site for this gathering was to be
Akron and the hosts Dick and Phyllis Hall and son Tim.
Looking ahead to1992, the summer gathering hosts were to be Joe and Linda
Diamond. Come fall of 1992,Phil and Dallas Smith were to be hosts. And for
1993, the chairman reported, there were rumors of a return to Put-in-Bay.
Secretary Phyllis Hall reported on the meeting of the board of directors on
]January 27.There was good news, a healthy bank balance and chapter
membership of 252. Despite the balance reported by the treasurer, there was
concern expressed with the costs incurred publishing both the chapter directory
and the Crier. There was discussion of an increase in dues, but any decision was
Just as the editors had promised, this first of their issues contained "Restorations
in Progress." Featured was a photograph of Dr. Don Smith replacing a clutch on
his 1953 YB. This was undertaken just weeks before the car and Don and Judy
were off to England on the Circuit of Britain.
Dan Glow's "Technical Comer" fumed to the engine camshaft. It was a
cautionary piece. 'No matter how tempting," Dan wrote, "never select a cam that
is more radical than you need. In fact, good advice here is 'if in doubt, go
Fran and Jerry Moore supplied a more detailed account of the summer gathering
to be held in Amish country where the roads were to be shared with horse-
drawn Amish buggies. A Sunday feature of that gathering would be a visit to the
Warther Museum in Dover which housed the extraordinary railroad art of carver
Ernest Warther.
This issue contained the first of several articles titled "A Backward Glance."
Librarian Shep Black wrote of the early years of the motor car as told in pages of
early 20th century American popular magazines.
In volume 22, number 2, dated June 1991, Chairman Metcalf wrote of a trip tr
South America to visit friends. Told that Spanish and Portuguese resembled one
another, Tom found this not to be the case. But he did recognize one word, in
both languages, the word cerveja- beer.
Both Tom Metcalf and Phil Smith spoke of the recent Kimber Festival. Tom, with
serpent's tongue (in cheek), wrote that "Sheila Bly, our own Ohio Chapter island
expert, and Bob Satava, who is actually old enough to have attended many of the
Put-in-Bay races in the 50s, described the tiny island's racing days...."
Sheila and Bob were not the only speakers, for Bob Hentzen spoke of the
restoration and display at Pebble Beach of his beautiful TB Tickford. Other
speakers included Dick Knudson on Captain George Eyston and Bob Vitrikas on
the record breaking MGAs.
This issue's "Club Notes" identified the site of the fall gathering as Quaker
Square in Akron, a return visit for the Ohio Chapter.
Dan Glow's "Technical Corner" tackled the distributor, an item "at least equal in
importance to the carburetors in so far as engine performance is concerned." In
fact, Dan wrote, "carburetors are blamed for more problems caused by the
ignition system than they usually cause by themselves."
This issue of the Crier also provided Tom Metcalfs introduction to powder
coating, these remarks first delivered at the 1991 natter. Manley Ford supplied a
calendar of vintage racing opportunities, a full plate for both spectators and
'The Great Leather Color Hoax" was adapted and reprinted from Torque, of the
Michigan Region, Classic Car Club of America. "I was working at Packard years
ago," the author wrote, "when a number of those sometimes spontaneous,
sometimes intentionally planned jokes were pulled. There were also occasions
when a very small effort at humor got completely out of control. That was the
case in the story on the leather color hoax."
"A Backward Glance" returned, this time examining early efforts to find an
appropriate name for the horseless carriage.
Volume 22, number 3, of the Crier brought Tom Metcalf's account of Amish
oatmeal pie and his rally experience in New Philadelphia with son Kyle, then
age four, as navigator. His report also noted discussion at the meeting of the
board of directors of dues and the possibility of an increase. With the aid of
raffles and auctions, however, the board chose to retain the dues structure
without change.
The chair also shared his hope for an Ohio Chapter trip to England and MG
activity at Silverstone. More detailed discussion was promised for the fall
gathering in Akron.
A new slate of officers was provided by the nominating committee, voting to
take place at the fall gathering. With a couple of changes in position names, the
slate would be elected. (See next issue.)
The editors' account of the New Philadelphia gathering identified Dave Zyp,
auctioneer, as "Master of All Auctions," surely a richly deserved accolade. Phil
and Dallas also took note of the guest or guests of honor, Pete and Dolly
Holloway. The Holloways were guests of the Jackmans and were on this
occasion made welcome by the Ohio Chapter. Pete was employed at the factory
in Abingdon from 1952 until the end of production in 1980. Pete spoke briefly
following the banquet and then answered questions. One questioner, perhaps
the last, asked if the cars were really important to the men who assembled them;
was it just a job, or did they care? The answer, after what seemed a very long
pause, was yes. "They really cared."
There was lots of technical talk in this issue, with both Dan Glow and Phil Smith
on camshaft bearings, and an article on extending the life of a battery. The latter
was reprinted from The Reflector, Antique and Classic Car Club of Canada.
"Restorations in Progress" had grown to include several projects. Thanks for the
growth of the column could be largely attributed to Dallas' indefatigable,
notebook-in-hand pursuit of the membership for stories of activity in garages. "A
Backward Glance" took a look at the bicycle and its contribution to the Good
Roads Movement.
The editors led off the 1991 December Crier, vol:umre22, number 4 with a
deadline schedule for contributed columns and articles. Article deadlines in the
past had been "rather amorphous," but "henceforth will be the first of March,
June, September and December."
It had been a "tremendous three MG months since the last issue." Indeed it had.
Tim Hall had masterminded a great Ohio Chapter GOF in Akron failing only to
gain the cooperation of the weather. Next came the Register GOF, and "this was
notable for the British entourage that invaded our shores with their Pre-war
MGs." The "stuff we've seen in books," the editors wrote, "but they were here to
see, to hear and to smell."
The 1992 natter was near at hand, and was scheduled for Marion; it would be the
last to be hosted by Jim and Miriam Yaussy. This issue also contained a farewell
from Dan Glow, a farewell not from octagonal activity or from the Ohio Chapter,
but from his very long tenure as technical chairman. "The 2}-year association
with the Ohio Chapter has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my
life," he wrote.
There was a secretary's report by Phyllis Hall giving the 1990 slate of new
officers elected at the fall meeting. They were as nominated.
Chairman - Tom Metcalf
Treasurer - Rita Glow
Regalia -Dave Zyp
Technical - Manley Ford
Editors - Phil & Dallas Smith
Secretary - Janet Jackman
Membership - Doug & Sharon Hasek
Publicity - Sheila Bly
Spares - Fred Kuntz
Among other reports, there would continue to be a charge for breakfasts at Ohio
GOFs to protect the budget, Phyllis Hall and Fran Moore were putting together a
parcel of information to assist future Ohio GOF hosts, and that the natter include
recognition of past board members and those who volunteered services to the
There was a report on the creation of chapter awards to encourage members to
"drive MG, particularly T-series cars," to chapter meets. Also recommended by a
committee of five chapter officers, was a category of associate members for those
interested in MGs but perhaps as yet unable to afford a T-series car. "While the
chapter's awards cannot determine policy, it can be more supportive of the
general concept of maintaining the breed," the report said.
A Car of the Year award was to be created as the chapter's premiere award. It
would recognize the pre-156 MG best exemplifying quality restoration and
maintenance in an "actively campaigned" car. The car would have to be
registered with NEMGTR and the Ohio chapter. Driving the car in events,
winning rallies and shows, and in general actively "maintaining the breed,"
would be the basis of the award. The winner would be decided by a points
system, weighted towards Ohio Chapter events, and an application form with
specifics was promised for the March issue of the Crier. It would be awarded at
the annual Natter N Noggin and a trophy was planned.
A second pair of awards had been created to honor the MG most actively driven
each year. The more prestigious of the two would be for the pre-'56 MG and a
second for post-'56 MGs. These awards would be based solely on the miles
driven over one year's time, from natter to natter.
Yet another award was discussed for the NEMGTR/Ohio Chapter registered car
driven the most miles. The feasibility of the award was to be determined.
Finally, the awards structure for the chapter's GOF rally and funkhana was
expanded to have first, second and third prizes. Winners driving T-series (and
other pre-1956) MGs would be awarded pewter trophies while post-1956 drivers
would likely get glass trophies.
Craig Peck contributed an account of NEMGTR GOF Mark 53 a trip to Lime Rock
taken with Fred Kuntz. Craig's was a romantic piece of chasing "the familiar
scent of R" from the pre-wars, whidr included a D'Artagnan, a KE Magnette
replica, and two 18-80s. There was a trophy of sorts for the two Ohioans at the
end of a fox and hounds game with the pre-wars. Craig wrote, "Patrick Gardner,
the capable rider of the KE Magnette upon seeing Fred said,'That is one running
TC. You did very well to keep up with us."'Other Ohio Chapters members on
the trip to Lime Rock had been Tom and Dane Metcalf and Phil and Dallas
Smith. There were several great photographs of great cars at the event.
This December Crier carried a fourth "Backward Glance" from Shep Black, this
one reviewing the enthusiasm of the popular press about the automobile, circa
1902-1905. An in "T Tidbits" Tom reported that response to a trip to Silverstone
had been too low to pursue for the coming year, but promised the idea would
not be forgotten.
With the beginning of 1992, Phil and Dallas Smith published an ambitious 36
page Lord NuffieId Crier with a 14 page removable center section and, helpfully, a
contents page. The issue was volume 23, number 1.
The editors used their regular column to introduce a two-part series of articles
they planned to run titled "SU Carburetor Restoration." The series, by Matt
Joseph president of the Society of Automotive Historians, Inc., had originally
appeared tn Skinned Knuckles, A journal of Car Restoration. hr anticipation of a
great MG driving season, Phil wrote, the article would be "a somewhat different
approach to the SU than is usually passed around the MG publications." This
first article, printed toward the back of the issue, ran some 11 pages.
The editors' column further included a call for reports on restoration projects for
the June issue (number 2), a report their own TC EXU 7617 project, and a
recommendation for any member traveling to Houston, Texas to "not miss" the
Jerry Moore museum that displayed some 30 or 40 cars from among the 800 the
owner had collected.
Ohio Chapter chair Tom Metcalf in his "T Tidbits" column reviewed the
mid-winter Natter'N Noggin, "a delicious MG break " and the surprise visit of
George Washington, in costume, at the natter's Saturday night banquet. In "Club
Notes" George was reported to be member Bob Forbes, "who bore a striking
resemblance" to the first U.S. president. "He" had reminisced about his days at
Mt Vernon and the Capitol and told of "a new conveyance his coach-builder had
finished," which sounded amazingly like an MG, though the M was for Martha
and the G for George. A photo of "George" appeared on the cover of the center
section and there was also a photo page from the natter.
The banquet had been a recognition dinner for a number of people "who have
contributed so much time and enthusiasm" to the club over the years. Honored
were Paul Johnson with the first mileage award; Shelia Bly for developing
artwork; Jim Pesta for work on membership and computerizing the list." Other
outgoing board members recognized for their dedicated service were long-time
secretary Phyllis Hall, the Haseks for regalia, Dave Zyp for work on spares, and
the Yaussys for having been "natter hosts for the last eight years."
Dan Glow had received a standing ovation as 'he stepped down from his
position as the club's first (and only) technical chairman for the last 20 years.
After reminiscing about the early days of the Ohio Chapter, Dan, with
characteristic humility, took the opportunity to recognize with a 'technical' pin,
all the people who had contributed articles and helped with tech sessions over
the years."
Among his tidbits, Tom reported on the January New England MG T Register
natter in Worchester, Mass.,which he drove to with Dave Wittmer. "Not much
real exciting going on -- mambership stable, dues and budget stable, new
NEMGTR car badges due soon, 40 local chapters now, a TC Challenge
discussion." There had also been an announcement that MG Magazine was
growing from four to six issues. -
There was a "Spares" column by Fred Kuntz with a call for sharing any
information on which supplier of reproduction parts produced "the best quality
part." The column "Restorations in Progress" led with a report from new member
Bob Riley on his new high-tech home garage. Other restoration updates,
gathered by Dallas, were shared from some 15 members. In 'A Backward
Glance," Shep Black wrote an account of the 1906 Vanderbilt Cup race, and
Manley Ford offered the 1992 schedule for vintage races.
The removable center section for the issue was a compilation of information and
registration forms including the Ohio Chapter summer GOF in Delaware June
12-I4, to be hosted by ]oe and Linda Diamond; the July Columbus Arthritis
Foundation Classic Car Show, with MG owners guests of the sponsors; and
forms for GOF Central MK )([\/ in Nashville, Ind. and GOF West in the Grand
Teton National Park. Also, there was a copy of the Ohio Chapter "Car of the Year
Award Rules" and application form.
This March,1992 issue, volume 23, number one, was, in short, packed.
And in the June Crier, volume 23, number 2, the editors Smith went even further
with a 44 page issue. In the "Editors Page" they reported Fred Kuntz "is taking
the spares chairmanship to new heights" and would be the chapter's
"clearinghouse" for any MG items to sell or buy. They reported a growing debate
on a proposed MGCCNA, or MG Car Club of North America, and possible
membership of the Ohio Chapter in it rather than the NEMGTR. Should the
chapter become the Ohio Chapter or the Ohio Chapter of NEMGTR or the Ohio
Chapter of MGCCNA? Sound advice from experienced car club members, the
editors reported, was to not take the club organization too seriously or the cars
would become a secondary issue and enjoyment of the marque would wane.
Chair Metcalf's "T Tidbits" included the sensitive issue of potential theft if Ohio
Chapter directories went beyond the hands of members. Less serious were his
favorite entries from the English CAMRA (an acronym for Campaign for Real
Ale) published Good Beer Guide,480 pages reviewing all the pubs and ales
available in England.
Tom further offered his "Thoughts on MGCCNA," the proposed affiliation with a
MG Car Club of North America, which would be associated with the MG Car
Club of England. The proposed affiliation, which Tom described as having a
"bumbling takeover approach," was still an issue. Tom agreed with the
arguments of NEMGTR members Dick Knudson and Dave Raymond for
retaining the association with the Register and added his thoughts.
1. The NEMGTR has provided the basic foundation for the preservation
and maintenance of MGs. Plus, being a NEMGTR Chapter, we are
automatically insured at our Ohio GOFs (therefore the requirement
that our Ohio members are first members of NEMGTR).
2. I'm not sure our MG club system here in the U.S. is broken....While
that doesn't mean it can't be improved upon, I'm not sure the new
MGCCNA is an improvement.
3. I like the MGCC in England the way it is. I've been a member for
years and have enjoyed reading about their events. But they're
England and we're USA.
4. We already have strong clubs with quality publications. Is another
publication overkill?
Time will tell what happens, but regardless,I genuinely feel our Ohio T-series
group has the highest quality people of any group I've been associated with -
bar none....Whatever happens to the exterior of our Ohio Chapter, it's nice to
know the interior is alive and well with warm, genuine Ohioans.
A "Club Notes" column by Dallas Smith related the participation in the MG
Motorists Group Finger Lakes Rally at Watkins Glen entered by three teams
from the Ohio Chapter, Tom Baumgardner and Rich Torde in a TD, Craig Peck
and Bob Niebaum in an MGB, and Dallas herself with Jim Pesta in a ZB
Magnette. Describing her first orientation experience in the race-equipped car,
Dallas wrote, "There I was, sitting in front of a series of stopwatches, odometers,
tables, gizmos and gadgets, wondering how (and if) it all was supposed to
work." Despite weeks of preparation on the Magnette, there were en route
problems - a bad coil, TwinsMaster odometers that quit working, a loss of
brakes, a muffler that came loose - and driving adventures, such as this report
on "the way round the old Grand Prix course."
The (repaired) brakes got a good test when Jim nearly missed a road to
the left, but managed to make it by locking up the brakes and riding
the gravel through the turn. [Jim's explanation:] 'You don't have to take
any mileage off the odometer, Dal, since the wheels weren't turning.'
By the end of the rally on Sunday, Dallas wrote, "the Ohio chapter team did will,
with Rich Torde and Tom Baumgardner winning the unequipped class, and Jim
Pesta and me taking the equipped class and best overall score (by a frighteningly
small margin)....The whole weekend was exhilarating and I can't wait to do
another one of these rallies." Phil Smith, by the way, had had to stay home with
his biggest excitement being the delivery of twins.
In the "Restorations in Progress" column, Tom Metcalf reported on the recently
completed work on a PA and there were a series of photographs of TC chassis
parts being sandblasted, metal-prepped and powder coated.
In "Manley's Mechanical Musings" Manley Ford reported the cost of parts - $12,
time involved - 20 minutes, and directions for assembling "a gen-you-whine
official T-type door holder-closer thingamajig" that had been figured out by a
friend of the Mardi Gras Ts. The importance was, it worked. A final installment
in the Matt Joseph series on the S.U. Carburetor was included and ran a full 16
Dave Jackman, in a "Travel Tips" column, had a good word for Lucas as he
shared his solution to a problem with a coil wire, the source of "a poorly running
car," and explained why coil problems occurred. "It is my understanding that the
silver colored Lucas coils have a much hotter spark than the coils used by
American manufacturers. Apparently, it takes something like eight to 10,000
volts to jump the spark in a spark plug, and these Lucas coils put out
considerably more. Since carbon wires are designed for the lower voltage, they
bum out readily when hooked up to one of these silver Lucas coils." The
recommendation to eliminate the problem, Dave said, was to 'buy a copper wire
ignition set...NAPA still sells them," or travel with a coil wire. The moral to the
story: "Lucas is not always the problem."
The "Calendar of MGatherings" repeated the summer's events adding the
October 24 Ohio Chapter GOF MK 46 to be hosted by Phil and Dallas in the
Tarhe District. Further information and registration forms had been in the
removable center section. And there was, from D.P. Smith, details on the annual
Wyandot Picnic Rally to be held August 22, leaving from Phil and Dallas's house
and finishing at Don and Judy Smith's farm for a picnic.
In the September Crier,Phil Smith confirmed reports that the MG Car Club of
North America proposal was dead. He proceeded to reviews of the various
events of the summer, the Delaware GOF, MG Canada in Peterborough, the
Arthritis Foundation Meet, the University Motors Summer Picnic, and several
smaller gatherings of Octophiles.
The "Club Notes" column included a rundown on the cars at the Delaware GOF
PB, five TCs, 15 TDs,9 TFs, one YB, one ZB Magnette, three MGAs,
and four MGBs. The distance award had gone to Bob and Sue Riley (Kentucky)
and the rally winners were Jim and Mriam Yaussy. Jerry and Fran Moore had
run the funkhana, a challenging run which required the navigators to spear
potatoes while the driver "screamed through a slalom course." It had been won
by Phil and Dallas.
An account on MG Canada '92, "another North American MG extravaganza,"
reported more than 400 cars present. Tom Metcalf had received first place in the
Pre-War category with his PB and also won the Best Paint award. Dave Wittmer
won first place for saloons with his Magnette, and the "rally-mania Smiths" (Phil
and Dallas) won the rally. MGs and Harleys had mingled during the GOF
Central in Nashville, Ind. and Greg Gamett reported there had been 5,000 bikers
camping at a Harley-Davidson gathering!
The Wyandot Picnic Rally account, which had been organized by the "elder
Smiths," had brought comments "that it was obvious that Phillip's devious and
diabolical rally mastering was a genetic fault."
There were 21 "Restorations in Progress" reported and Manley Ford's
"Mechanical Musings" was devoted to the continuing saga of cams and oil pump
gears. There was "A Backward Glance" by Sheppard Blak titled "The Goddess
in the Machine," a report on the association of women with the motor car "from
the beginning."
The Removable Center Section promoted only the Ohio Chapter's 1993 winter
Natter'N Noggin at the Great Southern Hotel in Columbus and the 1993 GOF
Central in Ann Arbor, but the calendar included notices of the NEMGTR natter
in Burlington, Maine and the first notice of a NEMGTR Skyline Soiree (as in
Skyline Drive) and Kimber Festival scheduled for April 1993, in Abingdon, Va.
Chairman Tom Metcalf had his column of "T Tidbits" with his own review of the
summer's events. He reported a new-to-him F-Type frame with front and rear
axles, "very rusty," that he had "taken home," as in stray dog. It had first been
sold in February 1932 and a data sheet described it as "an Abbey, which would
be a two seat solonette....I think I'll take the easy way out and build an F2."
This September issue was notable for its 14 photographs that documented the
summer events.
In the 1992 December Crier the "Club Notes" section gave a rundown on the
Tarhe District GOF (Wyandot/Seneca counties) which had had "stunningly
beautiful" weather and attracted 85 registrants, including 32 Ohio Chapter and
eight Michigan Chapter MGs. There were seven TCs, 15 TDs, 13 TFs, 1 ZB, 1 YB,
and three MGBs which "drove as many as 834 miles to be there." Responding to
critical comments on the difficulty of their rallies, hosts Phil and Dallas Smith
scheduled two for the GOF a scenic tour, which was taken by 32 cars, and a
challenge tour, taken by 12! There had been multiple awards, with winners all
duly noted.
Notes from the Sunday morning board meeting reminded members that dues
would be going up to $12.50 to help cover printing costs of the Crier Dick Bremer
from Michigan introduced discussion on Ohio Chapter participation in GOF
Central. Deciding that joining GOF Central would offer new friends and not
sever ties with NEMGTR, the chapter board appointed Joe Diamond as GOF
Central representative, and included practical responsibilities such as
investigating insurance coverage for such a meet. Ohio Chapter members were
to be encouraged to go to the next GOF Central in Ann Arbor in July 1993 and
then have more discussion. If the chapter participated, it would mean hosting
GOF Central in 1996.
There was also a report on "a goat of a trip," the MG GTO (Grand Tour of Ohio)
MkII driven before the fall GOF, an idea combining a grand tour (as in Mk I the
previous Easter), and "the reliability runs that used to precede GOF Central." At
about 8 pm Thursday before the fall GOF, four hardy teams had left Columbus
for a tour visiting Union City, Procterville, East Palestine, Streetsboro and
Winchester, Ohio. The challenge, "in other words, circumnavigate the state and
b.irg back photographic proof of having done so." Eighteen hours and 32
minutes later, Jim Pesta and Mark Milheim in aZB completed the course,
followed a minute later by Jim Yaussy and Paul Johnson in a TF. Tom
Baumgardner and Bob Niebaum, in a TF, "took a more circuitous route" arriving
later. One team, Bob Satava and Susan Rockford, in a TD, "suffered a broken
odometer" and dropped out. Scoring was based primarily on least mileage and
less so on time. The Pesta/Milheim team won by a close margin and received a
suitable presentation at the GOF banquet.
"Restorations in Progress" updated individual projects by 10 members. "Manley's
Mechanical Musings" focused on the compression ratio in T-types and included
a chart titled Compression Ratios for Various Cylinder Head Thicknesses
(XPAG). Added in the car upkeep category was a continuing feature by Dave
Snediker on lubrication with part one being on motor oils. It covered basic
lubrication theory, additives and good practices. Dave and his wife Trudi had
joined the chapter during the year.
This Crier included a feature article titled "How Do You Pack?" by Jo Kimberlin
of the Michigan Chapter. There was a notice that this "tech article has been
written for the interest of the ladies," (and it is included here for the same
reason). To those not knowing |q there was this introduction. At any meet "it
comes to everyone's attention that Jo is a 'clothes horse' and the "Sweet One' (her
pet name for her husband) owns one pair of Levis and two shirts."
Inviting the article, the editors had asked, "how do you pack all your hats and
coordinating outfits in the MG?" Answering, Jo wrote: 'I have the same amount
of packing space as everyone else. What I include out of necessity are the hats,
gloves and umbrellas because of an acute aversion to the sun. So that explains all
the accessories." To the question of how she actually packed, ]o explained a
process of listing days to be on the road and "what outfit I chosen and then
merely list the accessories that complete the ensemble." The key Jo said, was
neatly rolling or folding the actual items and packing them in a plastic bag
designated for each day or event. "You literally wear the complete ensemble in
the plastic bag...and use it to store the prior day's ensemble," continuing as the
trip progresses. What was never explained was how her hats fitted in a suitcase!
In "T Tidbits" Tom Metcalf, in his own parlance, wrote of "Iff'n you weren't in
Tiffin" (the fall Ohio GOD, and other chapter events. In this column he again
broached the idea of a chapter trip to England in 1995 to celebrate the chapter
being 25 years old. He dropped names to entice, Silverstone, Beaulieu, Wings
Run in Abingdon. The question was the timing.
The December issue's removable center section included registration and
reservation forms for the Ohio Chapter 1993 Natter 'N Noggin, GOF Central
1993, and the '93 University Motors Technical Sessions, all among the seven
events also listed in the "Calendar of MGatherings." The center section further
provided a tally sheet for members to fill out in order to vie for the Ohio Chapter
Car of the Year award. Tobe tallied were the gatherings attended, events
entered, places taken in events, with a multiplier of the subtotal for a final
gathering total.
It was the end of another year for the Crier and its editors.
"It looks like we're off to a banner start for the 1993 MG season!" wrote Phil Smith
in February for the April Crier of the new year. He and Dallas had had the GT out
a couple of times already. These two outings had been enough to cause them to
look way ahead on the rally circuit to MGMG Historic Rally in southwestern
Ohio to be hosted October 22-23 by Jim Pesta. "Mark your calendars," Phil urged.
Chairman Tom Metcalf in "T Tidbits" put the Smith's outings in chilly perspective
when he reported that "after several seasons of mild winters, BOOM! All of Ohio
got snow this time, nobody was spared." Optimistically, he was looking toward
spring weather.
Tom reported on the Natter N Noggin held at the Great Southern in Columbus,
with nearby shopping. Manley Ford had put together quite a package for the
technical meet of the weekend with a theme described. as "from wire wheels tr
rear ends, unsprung weight." Jim Pesta and Dave Zyp had told "all they know
about TD-TF rear ends - ratio changes, options, what to replace, how to do i9
etc." Attracted to the session from out of state were Dick and Dorothy Bremmer
from Ann Arbor, Bob and Sue Riley from Lexington and Bill Murray and Brian
Warmuth from Charleston.
The newly established Ohio Chapter awards went to their first recipients at the
natter. Joe and Linda Diamond had become the first winners of the new Car d
the Year award. "Their gorgeous deep red TF was everywhere all summer long.
Not only did they show up, they participated in all events and won a few."
Tom and Joan Baumgardner had driven far and wide in their TF and received the
Paul Johnson Award for the most miles driven in a T-Series car. The editors
themselves drove the most overall MG miles in the preceding year winning that
title; many of these miles had been in the Smiths Grampian Grey MGB GT. There
had been a coverall contest, won by George Hasek sporting a black leather tie.
The Metcalfs and Smiths (the younger) would go to the chapter's Put-in-Bay GOF
and immediately on to Detroit to fly to England for a few weeks. On their
itinerary was a stop at Guiness in London, another at the Morland Brewery in
Abingdon (Samuel Smith ale), and The Wings Run in Abingdon "where MMM
and T-series MGs converge 120-150 strong." There would also be factory records
to look into at the MG Car Club visits to museums and English friends. His end
line was, "And be thinking about a large Ohio group going in '95."
The "Club Notes" section added to Tom's account of the natter crediting Jim
Schardt, vice president of Dayton Wheel Products with an very interesting
lecture on the building and restoring services his company offers. There was a
photo of Dave Zyp and Jim Pesta holding tight to a rear axle with this cutline,
"Although it tried to escape, Dave and Jim were able to wrassle it into
The "Restorations in Progress" listed a full 20 projects in process. The center
section featured a relaxed Dave Witmer photo and registration forms for the July
15-18 GOF Central in Ann Arbor. Dave Jackman returned with his "Travel Tips,"
this time defining one problem for a car that wouldn't start - the rear frost plug
in the intake manifold that had blown out - and giving a temporary solution for
fixing it - furnace tape. And there was part tr on lubrication by Dave Snediker.
There were three guest articles, all a good read. Jeanne Lever wrote "The Tale of a
TD," an account of buying with husband Jack a 1952 MG TD, that year, and the
fun they had with it for several years,'even as it served as Jack's go-to-work car.
She then had an accident in it, "not much damage but Jack kept removing parts
from it and before long it was down tot he chassis with all of the parts in bushel
baskets." It moved with them, in the baskets, over the next 30 years. They finally,
with help from experts, got the TD restored. It was finished and delivered on
jack's 75th birthday, the day he came home from a long stint in the hospital."
Tom Baumgardner contributed "1051 Miles," his account of the Grand Tour of
Ohio Mk tr (remember, visiting five sites around Ohio in the least time over the
least distance.) He and Mark Milheim had driven the tour in Ms. Blimey, a TF,
and made it in just under 20hours. There had been the normal problems, such as
repairing a loose carb float bowl and reattaching a right rear shock with duct
tape. But when speed is a factor, the following description revealed other
The best plans and shortest routes on a map do not take
into consideration the bridges out and roads closed due tr
construction. Each time we thought we were gaining on
the average speed we encountered some delay or need b
backtrack. Even the high-speed run up I-75 was thwarted
first by a closed entrance ramp at Sidney and then by 15
miles of construction slow-down around Lima.
So it went. Would he do it again? "If Phil does it agarn, I will. Or I might organize
GTO W so he can run it."
Under the title "MG-NZ-MG," Crier readers got to share a piece of the diary d
DP and Judy Smith had kept of their NEMGTR trip to New Zealand, taken in
January. There had been 29 on the trip, from across the country and from
Canada. It was a inclusive account of a trip that began in Auckland, included a
four day New Zealand rally with 55 pre-1.955 MGs participating, notable stops,
driving a route of rugged rocky coastline, and a final brunch with a group d
New Zealanders in a MG owner's home overlooking Christchurch. The following
paragraph perhaps highlights the whole story, for, as in Ohio Chapter events, it's
the people who count.
The next three nights each American couple was hosted by a New Zealand
couple. Our host family was Ken and Ruth Hand. They were lively,
talkative, and very enjoyable. Ken is restoring a ]2 which had been
wrecked over 20 years ago. Because of the tremendous expense d
obtaining parts, Ken is doing everything himself from making new wings
to turning out necessary bits and pieces on his lathe. We found that most
of our New Zealand friends had done their own restorations.
Ir conclusion: "This was an unforgettable trip. Dick and Ann Knudson thought
of the MGMG visiting New Zealand and they, along with many New
Zealanders, worked hard to bring it about. Our thanks to everyone involved."
The second Crier of 1993, volume 24,number 2, brought a Phil Smith account of
the trip to England, shared with the Metcalfs. "The highlights certainly included
meeting lots of MG folk, including a visit with Mike Allison, being introduced to
John Thornley, seeing Barry Foster's garage full of C-types, drinking lots of
bitters, a visit to my uncle, Samuel Smith's brewery, etc."
There was a proud announcement that The Lord Nuffield Crier had been awarded
the 1992 Gardner-Mulvaney award by the NEMGTR, which they had learned of
at the Putin-Bay GOF. There was also a call for contributions to the periodical.
"We've tried to put together a quality publication that is worth your time to read,
and it was great to receive recognition. However, the LNC is your
publication....We need your articles and contributions, what you're doing with
your MG, tech tips, travels, natters, etc."
"Club Notes" led with a headline: The Rain in P.I.B. Falls Mostly On MGs, a one
line description of the dismal weather that began after arrival via ferry at the
Put-in-Bay Ohio GOF and that continued on into the following afternoon. But
the late afternoon on Saturday and the banquet (and glorious Sunday) had dried
folks out. There were many awards and in a board meeting a slate of officers was
There were encouraging reminders to participate in a number of upcoming
events: the GOF Central in Ann Arbor July 15-18, the Arthritis Foundation
Classic Car Show in Columbus ]uly 23,the Wyandot Picnic Rally (its fourth year)
on August 14, the University Motors' Summer Picnic in Grand Rapids in August
(called the Woodstock of North American MG events), the competitive overnight
Grand Tour of Ohio on Thursday October Z which would precede the ]Jackman's
GOF XLVIII that weekend. Also noted was Jim Pesta's Miami Valley Classic rally
in the MGMG series of vintage MG rallying events - a three day
time-speed-distance rally throughout southwestern Ohio on October 22-24.
There were 22 restorations in progress, one illustrative of Ohio Chapter
members' generous spirit. One notice backed into the restoration news this way:
"Peg and Shep Black were at PIB with visitors, their son Jim Sheridan and
granddaughter Morgan from Denver. Jim and Morgan had driven Dave Zyp's
TD (Shep's tub is in Novelty "indefinitely" waiting ib tum for rebuild), and Peg
and Shep had their TC. (It just had its steering gone through by Tom Metcalf
and Shep reports that it is much better - he can actually choose a lane on the
roadway and stay there now.) And their TF is in Tom's shop - soon to be
Manley Ford in his "Mechanical Musings" spoke to "some technical tidbits
related to T-type push rods and lifters (tappets)." In "The Racing Beat " Manley
reported his calendar included a new vintage racing venue in Philadelphia (no
date given), Mid-ohio July 8-11 and the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix July
24-25. Later there would be the traditional Grand Rapids race the same weekend
as John Twist's summer parly,and back to Mid-Ohio August 27-28. Manley
concluded: "For my money this second Mid-Ohio vintage racingvenue is a much
better event to attend as a spectator than the SVRA extrvaganza in July."
The June Removable Center Section was overflowing with information and
registration forms for all the events previewed in "Club Notes."
A two-part personal reminiscence by John Dugdale of England, "Half a Century
of MGs" began with the pre-war models. He related his keen interest that began
around age 10 "when the first octagon badge took to the roads in 1924. I can
remember the pretty four-seater sports tourers that Cecil Kimber devised from
the prosaic Morris." It went on from there, a charming review of the successive
MGs prior to WW II..
The accompanying photographs, taken/collected by the editors Smith, were
great, tight shots of some of the classics. The cut lines read: David Potter's 1,4/28
"Bullnose"; ALB 3, Geoff Radford's 18-80 Mk tr, fitted with a Mk I body; An M
Midget at the Octagon Car Club's 193 Wing's Run; Bob Fergus' C-type, at the
1992 Dublin Arthritis Foundation Show; D Midget at Farmington GOF, 1991; The
Chairman's PB, the famed "BKA"; Beautiful sights and sounds: a K3 at speed,
Lime Rock, 1991; and NA Magnette, owned and driven by Bob and Sonja
Sterling, from Andover, Ill.
hr "T Tidbits" Chairman Metcalf handed out plaudits to the nominating
committee members, Dan Glow, Craig Seabrook and Jack Breen for their efforts
in coercing three new volunteers to serve on the Ohio Chapter board. They were
Peg and Shep Black, chairing publicity, and Bob Forbes as secretary.
And there was the persistent encouragement for a trip to England in 1995 with
questions to determine what the interests of members might be and when their
preferred date was. And there was a report on "Rover."
As you have probably read, the new old MG RV8 is selling well to
the well-to-do nostalia types. The real news, though, is if enough d
these MG's sell, and the UK economy picks up, and Rover is still in
business, by 1995 the all-new MG could be real. While size is
comparable to the Miata, the new MG (PR3) is to be mid-engined,
rear wheel drive, and powered by a 1.61 in both turbo and non
turbo. Top speed is to be around 130 MPH which is handy for the
UK Motorway driver. The drawings prove the car is snappy
looking. If it happens, will it be federalized?
The next Crier available at the compiling of this history was the December 1993
issue, volume 24, number 4. It was a full one. The "Editor's Notes" led with a
dedication of the issue to Paul Johnson, who had died on October 24. There was
the following remembrance.
Through the past 20 years, Paul served as chairman of the
Ohio Chapter for six of them, and helped grid" the chapter by serving
as an at-large member on the board since then. There are many stories
that are told when two or more chapter members gather, often times
recounting driving exploits of the past. Paul Johnson seems to be a
constant feature of these tales. Here was the man in our chapter who
embodied the Drive MG spirit. Paul's involvement with the cars, the
people, and the chapter was certainly inspirational, and I am sure he
will become one of the grants of the Ohio Chapter as it gains new
members. To quote part of his chairman's message in the September
1980 Lord Nuffield Crier, 'The friendliness and cooperation within the
MG fraternity beyond compare...I am firmly convinced that we are
members of one of the friendliest, most cooperative, fun loving, and
helpful groups in the world.'
Later in the issue the editors would reprint the 1979 Lord Nuffield Crier
interview with Paul Johnson along with photos provided by Addie Johnson and
others. (See December 1979 Crier.)
hr "Club Notes" there was a report on the fall GOFXLVII on the second
weekend of October, "the second coldest Ohio Chapter meet of the year (the
Natter was the warmest)." Dave and Janet Jackman had put on a great weekend
with lots of MG driving. The all-day drive on Saturday that took the GOF from
Chillicothe to Roscoe Village and incorporated a TSO rally segment, a gimmick
rally and a poker run. All winners were listed for T cars and non-T cars, first
through third places (a continuing effort to encourage driving MGs to meets).
|im Pesta's Miami Valley Classic TSO rally had had 26 entries from five states
and Ontario and the Ohio Chapter had fielded seven teams. Three firsts were
won by chapter members: Craig Peck and Bob Niebaum first in the Novice MG
class; Manley Ford and Tom Baumgardner first in the Unequipped MG class;
and Phil and Dallas Smith first in the Equipped MG class and first overall.
Seventeen restorations in progress were reported. And in "Spares," Fred Kuntz
wrote of Bob Watts of Columbus who bought his TC in 1954 and shortly after
disassembled and started to restore it. In the process of restoration, which was
still going on, Bob had recorded "items as found with photographs,
measurements, inspection of very minor details and sketches." The reason for
this detail, Fred wrote, was Bob's interest in how and what may have been done
when TC 6557 was built. Bob had sent Fred several of these write-ups for use in
the Lord Nuffield Crier, which were "a sort of combination of spares and
technical articles." The article in the December issue, titled "TC Details," was on
Cable Brake Clamp Plates on the Rear Backing Plates.
There was a Dave Snediker technical article, 'TF Gearbox Extraction, Engine
In-Situ," which covered both disassembly and reassembly, step by step.
The center removable section carried an application for the Ohio Chapter Car d
the Year Award, and a registration form for the 1994 natter to be held in Newark.
Host Will Kennard offered the weekend schedule under the subject: Natter'n
Noggin to All There was also a notice from George Hasek on dues due by
December 31. The amount of dues was by then $20.
Manley Ford in "Racing Beat" ate crow gracefully. He remembered a
conversation at the last Natter'N Noggin when, after watching Dave Zyp
demonstrate a broken-axle-stub-removal-tool, had said to him, "In all my vintage
races I had never snapped an axle shaft." Later, in a nightcap conversation with
Jack Bauer, Manley added he had also never bent any sheet metal, nor had he
ever seen a serious injury. The response from jack was, "'You will,' as he toddled
off to bed like some soothsayer." Manley also has a soothsayer sister, an English
professor, whom he had told of lowering his lap times at Mid-Ohio to less than a
second over two minutes and his assertion that "if you can break two minutes at
Mid-Ohio, you're driving a real race car." Her response had been "Hubris,"
referring to the fatal flaws of memorable literary characters such as Ulysses.
At Pittsburgh with a practice session topping his previous best times, "my
axle-shaft luck ran out. SNAP! After replacing it (without a Zyp tool), I was
relegated to start Sunday's race DFL (Dead Frazzlin' Last)."
Then at the August Mid-Ohio event Manley entered his TF in a sprint race where
"there were a few MGs, Alfas and other stuff but other than an Allard and an
XK120, mine was the oldest car in the whole event." In qualifying he actually
broke two minutes and on Sunday he won his class over three other cars in the
enduro and went out for the sprint race "in which I was the sole car in my class"
but with "a few folks I like to dice with - an MGA Coupe and the XK120."
I stayed close to both of them in the race but couldn't really
press it, sol backed off and was just cruising around when the
left front hub broke while I was going through a hard
right-hard turn known as The Keyhole. The wheel peeled
back the fender and running board iind launched, I was told
later, some thirty feet in the air. Amazingly the car stayed
under control and I coasted to a safe stop out of harm's way.
With help from Tom Baumgardner, we maneuvered the TF
onto the trailer and headed home.
Now, several months later as I sit, early on a beautiful Sunday morning
in October recounting these events,I'm still thinking about it....I'm sure
Dave Zyp, Jack Bauer and my sister will understand if I avoid discussing
vintage racing with them in the future.
A poem by Craig Peck was in the December Crier, perhaps inspired by a Friday
experience en route to the Jackman's fall GOF (the rain came on Saturday).
An Aufumn Poem
by Craig A. Peck
spidering along serpentine mounds
southem Ohio
motoring wheels whirl while we watch nature
first hand
breezing through tunnels of trees
sun flashes
leaves sparkle like Christmas tinsel
we sparkle
Chairman Metcalf in "T Tidbits" wound down 1993 with a year-in-review skip
through the year's events and good times. And in a section titled "Hyde Park,
Speaker's Corner," Tom spoke to proposals over the years (apparently
continuing) "to expand our Ohio Chapter to include modern As, Bs, etc, and to
dissolve our relationship with the NEMGTR. In other words, become an open
MG Car Club." Although Tom owned five MGs ranging from 1932to1974,had
over the years owned over a dozen MGs, and had been a member of the original
MG Car Club of England for 20 years/ he liked membership in NEMGTR.
Despite "an up and down relationship with our parent NEMGTR,I say let's bury
the hatchet, go to a NEMGTR GOF and have fun."
Speaking of his view of the Ohio Chapter he concluded: "Why change the Ohio
Chapter, it's not broken." He liked the exclusivity of a T-Series club, "especially
ours. Our Ohio Chapter is 'Dedicated to the preservation and maintenance of
T-Series and vintage MGs.'I like that. I feel strongly about that."
Tom felt the club really didn't care what you drive to an Ohio Chapter GOF. "Just
come and join the fun. The GOF is our main function - its why the Ohio
Chapter exists." He wondered if it were not "highly presumptuous to imagine
other MG owners are begging to join us." And in a final statement, Tom wrote:
I don't buy for one minute that our club will disappear as we and the
cars get older. The cars -barring a nuclear holocaust - will outlive
all of us and they will have new owners. In fact, it's unlikely that you
are the original owner of your T-Series MG. They will continue to
pass down from generation to generation, and in many cases to our
very own children.
If we focus on all MGs, what will happen to our T-Series MGs? With
two kids to maintain in addition to the MGs, it already is way too
easy to jump into the GT for the weekend instead of the TC.
Tom concluded with a Happy Holidays greeting, an admission he was hoping
for a diminutive little F2 body tub for his F Magna project, and a final "See you at
the natter."
This year was promised but never completed or, at least, never added to the book that I possess. --Ed