Official Club Hangout _

Gathering of the Ohio Faithful
Spring 2023

Tuesday - Thursday
May 9-11, 2023
Cherry Valley Resort
Newark, Ohio
Please plan to join us for the Ohio Chapter Gathering of the Ohio Faithful, Tuesday through Thursday, May 9 to 11, 2023 at the octagon-shaped and beautiful Cherry Valley Resort in Newark, Ohio.
This event is open to all MG enthusiasts!
As always, we want to drive our cars and enjoy the friendships we have made and will make. In addition, we want to scout out the area for hosting the 2024 GOF Central. Thus, this is a more casual and relaxed event than usual. There is a hospitality room for our informal gatherings and socializing.
May 9th registration opens at 3:00 pm. Happy Hour (cash bar) begins at 4:30 pm and will be in the Homestead Beer company in the hotel. Dinner will be on your own at the hotel or a downtown eatery.
May 10th will begin with a breakfast on your own. Beginning at 9:30 am, we will gather to discuss the hotel use and tours for GOF Central 2024. Lunch will be on your own. At 1:30 pm, we will have an ice cream run. Cocktail hour (cash bar) begins at 6:00 pm, and the dinner banquet begins at 6:30 pm.
May 11th. Breakfast is on your own. At 9:00 am is the board meeting.
**Click Here for the Event Registration Form**
Hotel rooms at the Cherry Valley Resort must be reserved by April 16, 2023 to be part of our room block and to secure our group rates! Please CALL the hotel at 740-788-1200 to make your room reservation at our special rate of $139.00 for a Double Queen or King room. Ask for Ohio Chapters MG-T group rate.
GOF Lodging:
Cherry Valley Resort
2299 Cherry Valley Rd.
Newark, OH
Hotel registration is open now.