Official Club Hangout _

Club History 1969 to 1974
1969 and 197O
The establishment of the Ohio Chapter of the New England MG-T Register was a
response to the distance from the NEMGTR events, and the beginning was
recorded in the second issue of the Lord Nuffield Crier. This publication had
begun with the working name of the Ohio MG "T" Newsletter, and it appeared
after the first Ohio Gathering of the Faithful in the fall of 1969.The publication
was to grow, change, occasionally bypass a scheduled issue, but always be the
chronicle that informed Ohio Chapter members on chapter and NEMGTR
events, provided helpful technical information and, most importantly, helped
build the camaraderie that is at the heart of the chapter.
November 1,1970 was the date of that first issue of the newsletter, and was after
the chapter had already had two Ohio gatherings. Edited by Carol Hunter, it was
a modest four mimeographed pages and it identified the four officers of the
chapter: Craig Seabrook, president; Rita Glow, treasurer; Nancy Seabrook,
secretary; and Carol Hunter, publicity and TSO chairman.
"This newsletter needs a name," wrote the editor. Suggestions were solicited and
a vote promised. There followed a brief report on the most recent gathering,
which "despite ominous weather" had been highly successful. Held at the Green
Meadows Country Inn in Worthington also the site of the first gathering, it had
been attended by 22 couples. Events included a tour of Delaware County led by
Jack Hunter, and in the evening cocktails, a banquet, auction and slide show.
This followed the basic pattern for national GOFs and would continue at Ohio's
future gatherings.
Editor Hunter noted that Birdie Nichols had volunteered to make the chapter
banner and that suggested designs were in order. Those submitted were to
appear in the next issue of the newsletter. The final page of the newsletter listed
the 37 charter members of the Ohio Chapter, almost all of whom continued as
"hard core" chapter members
Early in 1971 came volume two, number one, and the newsletter had become
'The Lord Nuffield Crier," and although mimeographed it had grown to 15
pages. A chapter secretary had disappeared from the masthead and a Spares
chairman had appeared.
With this issue the president's column was titled "Seabrook's Sump." That
column included several paragraphs of reminiscence regarding the founding of
he Ohio Chapter. From "Seabrook's Sump," then, the following:
Things started to happen...after I missed the Provincetown Gathering
in the fall of '69. I really felt lousy that weekend because I was not where it
was at. I could picture all of the cars and the people up there having a great
time and I was stuck in Westerville with the TC in the garage. So I figured
why not get on the ball and plan a local chapter with a few gatherings.
Reading The Sacred Octagon I had noticed that there were a few other local
chapters in the country and they seemed to be doing well. I knew quite a few
"T" owners in the Cleveland and Columbus area and thought they might like
to get together some time. So I dashed off a note to Frank Churchill asking
that he put something in "The Sacred Octagon" concerning my desire to get a
local chapter going.
So the next issue of TSO arrives in the fall and no mention of my ideas. A
quick check with Frank and he said it would definitely be in the next issue.
Finally the January /February issue came out and it turns out that Gary
Spradlin had the same idea. He and Jack Hunter wanted to get something
cooking in Ohio. We decided that I would send out a questionnaire if
response to the article in TSO was right. As it turned out, I had one reply;
Kells Lindsey was in the Columbus area picking up a stiff and stopped by
our apartment. I was not around but he talked to my wife.
So in the early spring I put together a questionnaire to check and see how
many people might be interested in a local register. I compiled a mailing list
of about 50 "T" owners. The questionnaire went out in the spring of '70 and
just asked for name, year and model of MG, would you be interested in
starting a register, and would you be interested in small gatherings. The
response was good; people passed the word and I had about 70 interested
people. Checking with some MG owners that I knew personally, I decided
why not shoot for a mini-gathering (Ohio Chapter rather than NEMGTR) in
July sometime to get things rolling. Figuring Columbus was centrally located
in Ohio, why not have the first gathering someplace in the area. Checking
around Columbus for suitable facilities and accommodations I found that the
Green Meadows Country Inn located in Worthington had what we needed.
So information and registration blanks were sent out to all who sent in the
questionnaire telling them about the planned Ohio GOF Mark I. The date
was set for July 25 and for me it came too soon.
There were all sorts of details to work out but it was well worth it. The day
was hot and sticky but about 60 people managed to make it for that first
Ohio gathering. Car turn out was not quite as good with about 16 "T" types
making it from all ends of the state. The gathering consisted mainly of tire
kicking and making new friends. A two hour tour took place Saturday
afternoon and the banquet was held in the evening. After the banquet we
decided on a number of items including: calling ourselves the Ohio Chapter,
sending out registration blanks, keeping our New England membership
numbers, holding mini-gatherings on the third weekend in July and the
third weekend in October, that dues be $3.00 per year, and that I should be
head cheerleader of the Ohio Chapter. So we were off.
Shortly thereafter I sent out our official registration forms for the Ohio
Chapter and a short newsletter informing all of what had been decided at
the founders' meeting at GOF I. The notice also mentioned that GOF
Mark II was planned for October 10 back at the Green Meadows Country
Inn. This information was sent out to all who had answered the original
questionnaire. Slowly the registration forms came back.... By early fall I
had received about 35 registration forms which meant about $100 for the
treasury. GOF Mark II was fast approaching....
Straight from "Seabrooks's Sump," that's the way it all happened.
This second issue of the Crier credited Pam Glow, daughter of Rita and Dan, with
having submitted the new newsletter title. There were also sketches of designs
offered for the Ohio Chapter badge and banner; two the six entries came from
that same Pam Glow!
A bonus for readers of the Crier was the inclusion of "The Hamilton Pit Stop," an
account of racing found in the book Moments That Made Racing History. It was the
great story of the Tourist Trophy of 1933,Tazio Nuvolari and his victory at the
wheel of an MG. The clever newsletter editor cut the story at the very start of the
race; to be continued!
Membership had now reached 51. A three page membership roster arranged by
vehicle model revealed two vintage MGs, two 'TAs, 16 TCs, 32TDs, and seven TFs.
The Crier of March 1971, was almost entirely devoted to "Seabrooks's Sump."
Not only full of news of Ohio Chapter members activity, Craig included an
article found in the T'rillium News, the newsletter of the Ontario Chapter, that
had been taken from a book, Classic Cars 1930-1940. Edited excerpts below give
the chronology of those years.
Suffice it to say that by 1930 the firm [Morris Garages] was well established at
the Pavlova Works in Abingdon building a much modified version of the Morris
2 l/2 litre six cylinder car, and also a sports version, with a very light fabric two
seater body known as the 'M' fire. There were three editions of the cat, the Mark
I, a devil to slide, the Mark tr, a very good car built until1933, and the Mark II, a
wonderful car under development through 1929 and most of 1930.
In the 1930 Brooklands Double twelve hour race and subsequent events,
the M type proved so successful, and so much cheaper, that all available
personnel were put into developing the &47 cc car....These little cars went
from strength to strength and George Eyston took a number of
international class records in the prototype racing MG for 1931. This car
burned during the job.
From it was developed the successful "Monthery Midget 'C"' type racing
and "D" type sports models. While the 'C' type was performing well, and
the 'D' types selling well, a prototype car, the "Ex 127" was developed at
the same time as the I.3, developed from the 12. Then came a 'D' type and
'F' t;rye Magna. While these were in production H. H. Charles was busy
designed the I range, great little cars even if the braking was not up tr
standard. The J2 was the first of the line to carry the classic MG
coachwork, with "cutaway' doors and a slab tank aft that was to set the
fashion for many years to come.
Then came the J3,a supercharged J2, and the J4 in 1933, the racing version
of the J3, with much improved braking. In the same year came the F type
Magna, the L type and the racing version, the K3 Magnette, a great little
car that went on winning races for nearly 20 years. Tazio Nuvolari got
into one of these cars, never having seen one before, and won the 1933
tourist trophy.
The first of the 'P" range, the PA was virtually a commercial form of the
J4, also heavier, which led to the similar PB. From the "P" type was
developed the "Q" type racing car...with one outstanding arrangement, a
built-in clutch. But it became obvious to the MG design team that the "Q"
type engine gave more power than a conventional chassis could handle.
The natural result of which was the "R' type single seater racing car, a
brilliant piece of work, with, of course, troubles. Before the problems of
the "R" type could be eradicated, a crushing blow fell on the dedicated
band at Abingdon, who in five years had made MG one of the big names
in racing. Lord Nuffield sold out to Morris Motors LTD, who promptly
put a stop to racing.
It turned out that these pioneers of the 1930-35 had wrought better than they
knew. All over the world MG cars were raced in the hands of private owners,
with many successes, to the outbreak of war. Under the new regime in 1936, the
PA model became the PB and very good it was too, as was the TA model or large
engine capacity which followed it. The L type Magna was replace by the N type
Magnette, which was larger and heavier, more powerful and handles very well.
It grew up even more into the SA type.
In 1939 the SA became the 2.6litre WA, a splendid car that readily gave
90 mph together with 20 mpg when cruising fast. In 1936 the VA model
appeared, whose pretty range of bodywork was more attractive than its
performance. At the outbreak of war tn1939, MG were building the TA
and WA and VA" not a bad car though not very exciting.
The March issue continued with a brief mention of the forthcoming Ohio
GOF Mark III, but both host and locale were lacking. Plans were more firm for
the midwest caravan to the Register's GOF XII in Waterville Valley, NH.
"We have a spares laden American sweep car lined up and as usual will give
a caravan dash plaque, marked route map, route instruction sheet and
advance motel reservation service to anyone who applies for a caravan berth
and sends in a buck...."
There followed a lengthy account introducing the MG Marathon. [It] "is a
1000 mile reliability trial for T series and earlier cars, first planned in 1967 by
the Vintage MG Car Club in Chicago, first run in 1968 through the cooperation
of that club and the New England MG-T Register. The event is scheduled each
year to coincide with even-numbered 'Gatherings of the Faithful' semi-
annual outings of MG-T enthusiasts conducted by the Register." Purpose,
event format, route and awards were all addressed in detail. And extant
records for the event, as of the spring of 1971', were as follows:
TF 1500 17 hrs. and 15 min.
TF 1250 (none)
TD Mark II 17 hrs. and L4 min.
TD 19 hrs. and 58 min.
TC 18 hrs. and 37 min.
Meanwhile, back at "The Hamilton Pit Stop".... And about time, but again a
great account of racing ended with "to be continued."
The April-May issue of the Crier, now volume two, number three, identified
Put-in-Bay as the site for the 1971, summer Ohio Gathering. Details were
promised from Jerry Gundrum, the event scheduled for the third weekend in
"Seabrook's Sump" reported long delayed success in "milk(ing) some
information out of Bob Satava concerning the upcoming marathon run
to...Waterville Valley.
To give you an idea how the T's can do over a course such
as this, the roster of the 20 Hour Club....includes the seven
best drives out of 11 attempts at the 1000 Marathon miles
made by six Register members driving four different
models of T, authenticated by the Register and the Vintage
MG Car Club in Chicago since 1968. The TS 1250 record is
wide open, the TD record vulnerable. It will take some
digging to lower the TC, Mk II and 1500 marks, but even
they aren't safe. Every one of those drives included many
wasted minutes which could be converted into lower
elapsed time without driving any faster. Bob's advice was
"just put together a good car, good luck and a desire to
bring out the best that's in an MG-T, and a place on the
roster and maybe a new record is yours - to cap off an
unforgettable experience. "
The April-May issue also reported the results of a membership survey conducted
by Doug Ruth, spares chairman. The issues were several. There was
overwhelming disapproval of the Crier's cover design, a caricature of Lord
Nuffield. Regarding frequency of publication, a large majority favored
publication every other month. A third response was to the choice of a badge
design with the favorite being a design submitted by Beverly Jaquays.
At last and as promised came the conclusion of "The Hamilton Pit Stop." A great
account and a smashing final few lines.
As if Nuvolari was not aware that it was now or never on
that last lap, the pit staff were leaning far over the counter,
waving arms and screaming; the crowds were shouting.
On that lap both men [Nuvolari and Townsend] defied all
laws of gravity and centrifugal force. They went through
Newtownards one behind the other, and on the fast
section beyond, the extra power of the Magnette came into
ib own and Nuvolari slashed past, 115 mph to the
Midget's 105. It was the end. And as the excited
spectators craned forward, Staniland crashed the
six-cylinder Riley at Quarry Corner.
Nuvolari screeched around Dundonald hairpin and came
flat out up the hill to where the chequered flag was held
high. He had lapped at 80.35 mph. He shot across the line
with one arm in the air, 40 seconds ahead of Hamilton, at
an overall average of 78.65 mph, a record for the race by
more than 4 mph.
Behind the exhausted pair, Dixon, undaunted as ever, was
fighting for third place with Rose-Ridrards, Eddie Hall
(Magnette), after a magnificent race, dose behind them.
Dixon's mechanic had been in agony-he was holding the
loose exhaust pipe in place and the battery was splashing
burning acid on to his trousers, which disintegrated onto
his legs. They finished fourth, Hall fifth, but, after
examination of the regulations, the stewards reluctantly
disqualified him [Dixon] for having a defective silencing
system - they had no alternative. Hall was therefore place
fourth, Lord Howe fifth, Belfast's Bobby Baird sixth.
In tribute to Dixon's wonderful, fighting race, Sir William
Morris presented Dixon with a special award of L10O
equivalent to what he would have won.
Nuvolari finished on his reserve tank- and that was
nearly empty. It is on record that somebody asked
Hounslow [Nuvolari's mechanic] about the state of the
brakes after those astonishing lap times. "Brakes?'he said,
"the man doesn't use them!"
It had been the fastest race of the series. ' ,'.
By the 1971 August-September issue, the Crier confirmed a successful summer
Ohio Gathering, not, however, at Put-in-Bay. Although hosted by the Gundrums,
the locale was the Derrick lnn, just north of Mansfield. The schedule of events
followed precedent with a tour, banquet and auction.
At the business meeting, Bob Satava reported on the forthcoming national
Gathering of the Faithful to be held in Ohio. Kells Lindsey was to host the fall
Ohio Gathering, its location yet to be determined. And there was an election d
officers and discussion of dues. New officers were Craig Seabrook and Rita
Glow, retaining their posts as president and treasurer, Bob Beck became spares
chairman and Doug Ruth publicity chairman. Dues were unchanged at $3 per
The December 1971. issue of the Crier was a slim one, there being only brief
mention of the Ohio Gathering held in New Philadelphia. Most important,
perhaps,was the inclusion of a statement from Dick Knudson regarding local
chapters of the Register. These seven paragraphs or so affirmed the Register's
desire to encourage the formation and growth of such groups.
With the first number of volume three dated January-April, 1972, the caricature
of Lord Nuffield disappeared from the cover of the Crier.
The issue led off with a full schedule of events for the national gathering, GOF
Mark XIV, at Hudson. Doug Ruth reported on the Ohio Chapter summer
gathering to be held at Burr Oak Lodge in southeastern Ohio near Athens.
For the first time the Crier reprinted the full text of minutes from the February 5
1972 meeting of the Register Board of Directors. Although the minutes do not
indicate a representative from the Ohio Chapter in attendance, copies of the
minutes must have been provided local groups. The minutes reveal thoughtful
discussion of a variety of issues. Of particular interest was the concern for safety
as it arose in tours and caravans. Appended to the minutes was a lengthy
explanation of the Beaulieu Cup.
Volume three, number two of the Crier offered a report, "as seen from the drain
hole of Seabrook's Sump," of the Ohio Chapter's GOF Mark V held at Burr Oak
Lodge. It was a lovely setting, but it was hot! Some 67 people and 25 cars were
There was the usual tire kicking, an inviting pool as well as the lake, rallye and
tour, banquet, auction, and to end the evening a fi[m, "Safety Fast" and Merrit
Lighthall's slides of the very first Ohio Chapter Gathering.
Announcements included notice that Craig and Nancy Seabrook were to host the
upcoming fall gathering, its location Punderson State Park and the dates October
21-22. Ohio Chapter badges were at last ready. Samples has met with approval
at the recent Burr Oak Lodge Gathering. Fourteen new members were listed,
among them one Fred Kuntz.
As was often the case in earlier issues of the Crier, this issue contained lots of
information regarding activity of the Ontario Chapter. Gatherings were
regularly announced in the Crier and nearly every issue contained contributions
from Ontario Chapter members, news of members activity, and articles drawn
from the Ontario Chapter newsletter.
New names appeared on the masthead of the Crier, volume four, number one,
dated January 1973. Richard Lewis was identified as editor and publisher; Jim
Young, membership chairman; Birdie Nichols, secretary; Dan Glow, technical
chairman; Dick Gardner, regalia chairman; Jerry Gundrum, publicity chairman.
Craig Seabrook remained Ohio Chapter chairman, Rita Glow, treasurer, and Bob
Beck, spares chairman.
"Seabrook's Sump" provided a full account of the Ohio Chapter Gathering at
Punderson Manor House. Although "damp and chilly," participants lunched on
hot dogs and hamburgers done over charcoal in the parking lot. Mid-afternoon
cars were dispatched at two minute intervals on Dan Glow's Treasure Hunt
Rallye. Some 60 attended the evening banquet.
From The Octagon, the newsletter of the Classic MG Car Club of Orlando, Florida,
came two items, the first regarding the membership of any organization.
Who Does The Work?"
Some one has said that the membership of any organizations made up
of Four Bones.
There are the Wishbones who spend all their time wishing someone else
would do all the work.
There are the ]awbones who do all the talking, but very little else.
Next come the Knucklebones who knock everything that everyone else
tried to do.
And finally come the Backbones who get under the load and do the work.
Remember, the club is only as good as you make it!
The second item offers lyrics to be sung to the melody of "Born Free." Here the
lyrics for a "T" owner's serenade.
Serenade to Your "T" Type
I live just to touch you"
When I double-clutch you,
MG, it gives me a thrill!
I love your ignition
your four-speed transmission
your points, your plugs and
your grill!
When I look inside you
the sight of each piston rod
brings me closer to God!
I'll wash you and wax you!
If some Chevy smacks you,
I'll die, M...G...!
Although Dan Glow had often written on technical matters for the Crier, this was
perhaps the first issue in which his column bore the title "Valve Clatter."
Sixteen new members were listed, including the Rev. and Mrs. Thomas
Baumgardner. The issue came to an end with "The Real Cost of A Sports Car."
Volume four, number two, May 1973, featured "Tweets from the Big Bird; or, what
it's like being a sports car enthusiast." Author Birdie Nichols spoke from long and
certainly rewarding experience. "Only those who own them know," she wrote.
The following Crier, number three, in September, mentioned "our last gathering
in Piqua," but offered no recap of the event. Ohio Chapter Gathering Mark VIII
was announced for October 20 at the Treadway Inn, Aurora, Ohio. The fall
Register Gathering in Watkins Glen N.Y., would include the awarding of the
Beaulieu Cup, and Ray and Charlene Kuhar were assembling an Ohio Chapter
team. And a determined effort it was. The governing rules read:
The Beaulieu Cup will be awarded at GOF XVII, Watkins Glen,
September 15 to the local group which has compiled the highest total of
T-Series (including vintage) MG miles driven in caravan from its central
point of departure to the Glen. In the event a secondary point of
departure is required, it is expected that complete records will be
maintained and that routes will converge into one caravan the significant
point being that the concept of the Beaulieu Cup competition is a caravan
of MGs and not a series of individual starting points. Safety precautions
seem to indicate that the maximum number of cars Per caravan unit is
about 10 [but] there is no limit to the number of units.
In a printed letter, the Kuhars wrote that the previous winning chapter compiled
a total mileage of 2,037. "with just 10 cars we can total over 3,000 miles. If we can
get 20 we can win the cup by a fantastic margin.', Tentative plans for beginning
the September 14 drive called for a starting point in the Columbus area, where
cars would leave at 7 a.m. and another point in the Medina area, leaving there by
10 a.m. It would be a one-day trip. Accompanying the letter was a questionnaire
for those planning to go and a plea for a quick response, ending with ,,see you at
the starting line."
The final issue of the "Crier" for 1973, volume four, number four, Iisted a new
Ohio Chapter chairman, Jay Nichols. Craig Seabrook,s long devotion to the Ohio
Chapter was happily not an end for "seabrook's sump,' was filled to
overflowing. Craig, Nancy, and other Clevelanders had hosted the gathering at
the Treadway Inn in Aurora. Threatening weather had failed to bring rain, and
the rallye proved challenging to say the least, requiring among other things a
telephone call to Lord Nuffield himself for directions. Bob Gressard was credited
with having shaped the rallye.
The evening brought a social hour, banquet, auction and slide show. Officers
were elected, reports given and upcoming gatherings announced. Jim and
Miriam Yaussy would host the summer gathering in Bucyrus, and John Dyarmett
and Jack Smittle would co-host the fall gathering in the Columbus area. Slides of
earlier gatherings were provided by Craig Seabrook and Dan Glow. Sunday
morning brought sunshine and a tour to the Glow's "octagon Acres.,,
This issue came to an end with "Nichols Worth', an apt title for notes from the
newly elected Ohio Chapter chair.
The attractive cover illustration of the Crier for volume five, number one, April
1974, featured a pen and ink drawing of an MG-TD. It was the work of Henry
"Seabrook's sump" noted the resignation of Dick Louis from the editor's post.
Craig agreed to step in, observing that "the paper is printed by my graphic arts
students which makes for an excellent learning experience. They learn-about
printing and old MGs whether they like it or not."
"Nichols Worth" was devoted almost entirely to excerpts from the minutes of the
Register board of directors meeting of February 2, 1974. Of particular interest
was this.
The 1000 mile marathon is not a Register even! it is under the complete
control of the Vintage MG Club of Chicago, and Register support has
been limited to publicity. In view of expressed concern over average
speeds and low elapsed times for the 1000 miles and before a tragedy
occurs, it was voted to terminate support of the marathon under its
present rules.
This issue of the Crier also printed actions of the Ohio Chapter Board of Directors
at its meeting of March 24, 1974. Of interest was Jim Yaussy's motion that the
Ohio Chapter publish a membership directory. The motion was approved.
Cloth badges were available, Ray Kuhar reported, and action by the Board of
Directors allowed the return of old style car badges for credit toward the
purchase of the new style.
Dan Glow's "Valve Clatter" addressed oil leaks from the bell housing, and were
that not sufficiently exotic there was this.
Now then, a few weeks ago when I just happened to be wandering
through a local shop that manufactures dental equipment,low and
behold -what to my wondering eyes did appear but the latest, the
greatest - the painless dental chair!!!
And guess what - the shipping label said Bucyrus, Ohio! See you all
there in July.
The next page noted that P. J. Yaussy, D.D.S. would host the Ohio GOF July
19-21,1974 at the Bucyrus Holiday Inn. The event was to include the usual
activity plus the Mohican Hilt Climb. There followed full page announcements
of the Great Lakes GOF Mark I, the Ontario Chapter Gathering, GOF West, and
the 1"0th anniversary Register Gathering.
Ohio Chapter membership continued to grow, and among new members listed
were Paul and Addie Johnson and Tom Metcalf.
In September 1974,the second issue of the year - volume five, number two -
bore a second cover drawing by Henry Haserot, identified as a friend of Dan
Glow. Pictured was a TA-Tickford. And for the first time, this issue of the Crier
led off with a bit of verse, initialed K.G.R.
Ode To The Limit
Though New Year spirit may be short,
I hope you get your share,
And that your local garage
Has a gallon or two to spare.
Now when you roar along the lanes,
Keep a look-out to the rear,
For the friendly local copper
Who will test your blood for beer.
Then on the motor-way so wide
You open up the taps,
Except when passing police cars
And those clever radar traps.
But if you will keep to 50
Like following awake,
Move over when you see me friend
For I shall overtake.
Editor/columnist Craig Seabrook had entered the hill climb following the
Bucyrus gathering, an event in which five "T" cars participated, Bob Satava
taking the trophy. Craig also ran at Nelson Ledges, where there were again five
"T" cars competing.
Chairman jay Nichols announced the upcoming fall gathering would be held at
Roscoe Village near Coshocton, October 12 and 13. Jay also issued a call for hosts
for the new year's events.
"Valve Clatter" spoke to the TC front axle and talk of caster and camber was
followed by a long article, illustrated with graphs,by Larry Wilson. The subject
matter was timing, all this prompted by the consequences of fitting an MGA
differential to a TC.