Official Club Hangout _

For the first Crier in 1985, in lune, Editor Bauer returned to his Q & A format in
an interview with Owen 'Jim" Williams, "friend, neighbor, T enthusiast, and a
metallurgical engineer." Jack's TD had had a crank shaft break and his question
for ]Jim was "Why?" After establishing that Jim was "acquainted with state of the
art in metallurgy, alloy manufacturing and heat treating," and had examined and
tested the broken crankshaft, Jack pressed him for details. Jim began with the
Examination of the fracture itself revealed it to be fairly typical of a
fatigue failure with the very smooth section being where the crack had
propagated over a period of time and the courser grain type fracture
being the sudden brittle failure when the crankshaft ultimately let go. The
crack appears to have started in a groove left in the radius of the journal
by the machining process. I spark tested the broken part for material
composition. The spark test indicates probably a.30 to .35 percent carbon
steel with the possibility of a little bit of chrome, but I believe ifs basically
a straight carbon It is a very low alloy forged steel. The hardness test
came out with a rockwell C hardness of 12 to 15 both on the journal and
counter weight. It was the same hardness, so I really don't believe that
the crankshaft had any heat treatment on it other than probably being
normalized and tempered after forging 35 years ago.
Enough? The technical explanation went on for six pages and this chronicler lost
it in the first graph.
Will Kennard, Paul Johnson and Dick Bauer had attended the February
NEMGTR Natter and directors meeting where there was the first mention of an
Ocean to Ocean T Tourist Trophy race in 1986. One report explained the
relationship between the Register and chapters.
General discussion centered around local chapter organization and the
specific guidelines for the formation of a chapter unit of the Register.
Essentially, it would appear that the only guidelines really in existence
are that the events of local chapters be scheduled so as not to conflict with
those of the Register and that members of local chapters be at least
requested to join the Register. Most of you are aware that the Ohio
Chapter by-laws require that membership in the Ohio Chapter be
accompanied by membership in the Register. [Please do so] so as tr
remain a member in good standing of the Ohio Chapter.
Announcement was made of the second Mid-West MG-T Reliability Run that
would be in conjunction with the GOF Central at Indianapolis July 18-21, 1985.
Entry fee was $10. And Jack Smittle wrote of "an opportunity for members of the
Ohio Chapter of the New England MG-T Register to be involved with the fast
growing interest in vintage and historic racing." The Central Ohio British Car
Club Council, in cooperation with the Southeast Vintage Racing Association was
to sponsor the third Annual British Car Days at the Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course
in Lexington the end of June. All individuals driving older British sports cars
would "get a low admission charge and have the chance to take your MG a
couple of laps around the circuit behind a race car."
Dan Glow had a form in the Crier asking for the level of interest in a list d
technical subjects. Responses would help him schedule presentations for future
Ohio Chapter mid-winter tech seminars.
The success of the national GOF Mk XXXIX of the fall of 1984 was recounted by
Dave Bauer, who with Meier had masterminded the planning and execution d
the gathering. The events announced in the 1984 June issue had all gone as
anticipated, "solely due to the hour upon hour of plain hard work contributed by
all those people who ran things and helped others run them." T-owner members
there by Saturday had topped 350 and the First Timer's car display of almost 60
cars had been the largest ever. The lively spirit of the Saturday evening banquet
received an outside evaluation by a member of the Jazz group that played during
the evening: "A great gig, man! Great gig."
Closing this first issue of 1985 was a comments column by Chairman Will
Kennard who wrote of a new competition announced at the national natter-the
John Boiteau Memorial Award for the creator of the magazine cover voted 'best"
from among the six issues of. The Sacred Octagon published each year. Members
could submit color photographs suitable for a cover.
The second and December Crier of 1985 was full of photos and an announcement
of the February Natter'N Noggin to be hosted again by Jim and Miriam Yaussy
at the L K Motor Inn in Marion. A short report on the fall Sandusky Buy
Gathering, hosted by Tom and Diane Metcalf, noted that 'Tom has hosted or
been involved in hosting more Ohio Chapter events than he probably cares to
think about." Thirty-eight MG Cars were on display, there had been a pizza and.
toasted marshmallows party on the beach,lunch on a ferry steamer, and a
kidkhana. Jim Pesta and Linda Reef, attending their first Ohio Chapter event,
won the rally, on which there was further comment. "My recollection of the
Metcalf rallies of the past, including the recent edition is that they are terribly
difficult unless you just happen to think as Tom does."
The biggest news was the changing of the editor of The Lord Nuffield Crier. Jack
Bauer, after more than six years, was retiring from the job and Jim Williams
would take over as the new editor. Jim wrote: 'Jack will be a hard act to follow.
He has made the Crier an outstanding publication with the proof being the two
Gardner Mulvaney Awards he has won." Jim's primary objective as editor
would be to "maximize service to the membership." He asked for articles
whether long or short, funny or sad, technical or just interesting information.
Will Kennard added his comments: "Jack has toiled at this difficult and often
thankless job for six years. He has brought honors to himself and the Ohio
Chapter by twice winning the Gardner Mulvaney Award...presented to the
editor of the best local chapter news letter by the New England MG T Register."
During Jack's six years, the Crier had been recognized as the best of the chapter
newsletters and no other Gardner Mulvaney awards had been awarded during
that period.
Jack himself had a farewell editorial, recounting his experiences in keeping the
printing price low by using "a small offset press printed as a moonlight activity."
The size of the Crier had been dictated by the size of the press, "the largest image
[the owner]could print, but "he had been both reasonable and willing to lay a
half-tone image on the cover" by hand feeding slipsheets between covers as they
came off the press.
Jack concluded: "Editing the Crier has given us [Jack and Meier] exposure to
more of the things going on in the MG world and the people making them
happen than any other activity we could have gotten into. Well, there was the
Kings Island GOF. For all the willing cooperation and cheerful help, we are
permanently grateful." jack's hallmark as editor, the Crier interview, "an idea
stolen from Manley Ford, who stole it from Craig" had followed "the guiding
principle Meier and I adopted at the outset...that people are more important than
cars...even in a car dub."
The editor's position would not be the only change among the officers. An
election at the fall gathering had resulted in several officers continuing in their
positions, some shifts in responsibility and a couple of new names.
That was it for 1985 and the editorship era of jack Bauer.
With the March 1986 issue of. The Lord Nuffield Crier, Owen J. Williams, Jim to
most of us, took over as editor. He brought a more factual orientation than his
predecessor, Jack Bauer, who had generally used a narrative approach. The new
issue returned to noting volume and number, in this case 17 and 1, as well as
date. The issue was without feature material but, in line with Jim's stated
objective "to maximize service to the membership," there was a focus on
announcements and straight information. The issue had a new look with a red
octagon on the cover.
The title page again listed the chapter's officers.
Chairman -Will Kennard
Past Chairman - Paul Johnson
Publicity - Dale Schussler
Technical - Dan Glow
Regalia -George and
Sharon Hasek
Treasurer -Rita Glow
Secretary -Phyllis Hall
Membership -J.R. Brehm
Spares -Dave Zyp
Editor- Owen J. Williams
Additionally, the hosts of Ohio Chapter events for the year were Jim and Miriam
Yaussy for the Natter'N Noggin, Dick and Phyllis Hall for the July GOF XXXIII
and J.R. and Gertrude Brehm for the fall GOF XXXIV. Jim ran a welcome list of
the 16 new members, the familiar regalia offerings, and a registration form for
the July gathering - to be at Roscoe Village. The list of events, 16 in all,
included a full range of state and national events and this time, international -
a Register hip to South Africa. Dan Glow's technical column was there, this time
on Trouble Shooting the Ignition System.
New twists were found in the Spares xChange where Dave Zyp wrote briefly of
"what is new in the market place" such as parts available in the Moss Motors
spring sale and his opinions, such as 'The dash switch that is offered is better
than no switch and has a very friendly price, but be advised that the knob is very
wrong and not easy to remove." There was a description of the Ohio Chapter by
membership chair J.R. Brehm, and an application form to pass out to
An introduction to the British MG Car Club noted membership perks, which
included the monthly magazine Safety Fast, and touted the publication as a
winner of Thoroughbred & Classic Cars "Club Magazine of the Year Award," which
was "packed with news, features, technical tips, sales and wants." And there was
an MG Car Club overseas membership application form. Also new was the
inclusion of a separate listing of the Central Ohio club's events calendar.
Will Kennard's "Chairman's Comer" column reviewed the February NatterN'
Nogin hosted by the Yaussys, and called attention to a cover photo on the
August 1985 TIE Sacred Octagon submitted by Dave Bly, which was repeated on
the new membership forms of the NEMGTR membership forms. Will reported
on the national Natter in Springfield, Mass., and for new members explained:
"This National N&N is where directors of the NEMGTR meet to discuss plans
and establish guidelines for the upcoming years." And there was to be an
increase in the size of T5O, from 48 to 64 pages, without any increase in dues!
Dave Zyp, in a one-page article, wrote of the Register's June 21- July 10 Ocean to
Ocean "T" Tourist Trophy trip, planned by Hank Rippert of the national board.
It was routed through Columbus and Ohio chapter members not making the
whole 2000 mile trip could participate for as little as 50 miles or join the tour in
Pittsburg and travel as far as Indianapolis in "what should be the largest rolling
GOF we will ever see."
In the June Crier, Will Kennard in his chairman's column gave information on the
annual Father's Day Stan Hywet Car Show in Akron, vintage car racing at
Mid-Ohio and the Spring National GOF in Toronto and information on the
Ocean to Ocean trip stop in Columbus. He added a pep-talk to Ohioans for "an
unprecedented fifth win" in the Michigan-Ohio Beaulieu Cup competition.
Editor Williams offered a reprint of a short informational piece titled "Cost
Cutting" as a prospect for the country's auto industry in 1990s.
According to a poll done by Arthur Anderson & Company, the North
American auto industry will have to cut costs by 25 percent by 1990 if it is
to remain competitive. Also in the firm's fore cash by 1995 a gallon of
unleaded gas should cost $1.50; passenger car fuel economy should
increase from 26 mpg now to 32 by 1995; by 1990 new car ownership will
last five years and the expected life of a new car will be 10 years; full size
cars will account for 19 percent of the U.S. market and auto industry
employment will drop five percent per year through 1990.
There were new registration forms for the early-July national GOF XLII in
Toronto and an August Indy GOF in Nashville, Indiana. And the regular
informational columns were there, including Dan Glow's tech column, "Valve
Clatter," that listed the results of his earlier poll on preferred subjects for tech
sessions at winter natters. The top six (with two ties) were, in order, Carbs and
Fuel Pumps, Brakes, Transmission and Clutch, Electrical Wiring and Charging
Circuits, Ignition Systems and Engine Rebuilding.
Dave Zyp in Spare xChange gave a list of spares he always traveled with, all
packed (with a few exceptions) in a water tight .50 caliber ammo box. The list
ran to some 40 items that he "wouldn't leave home without." Some other parts
for the long hauls including axle shaft generator and "ladies nylon hose - color
optional - which make a fan belt for water pump if the generator has to be
taken out of the loop."
A fall issue for 1986, Vol. 17, No. 3 was not in among the Criers available to the
writers and undoubtedly carried an account of the fabled Ocean to Ocean trip.
But since the oft-told tales of this trip should always be recounted in the first
person, newer members are encouraged to ask about it from those Ohio Chapter
members who made the 2000 mile trip. Those planning "to participate in the
ordeal," as reported by Will Kennard in the June issue, were: Bill and Maxine
Murray, Leonard and Alice Lee Sargent, Dave Zyp and Jim Williams, Jim Pesta
and Roy Wood, and Barry Carter and Pat Downey.
The next available issue was for December, with registration forms for the
upcoming January Natter N Noggin. In the "Chairman's Comer," Will Kennard
congratulated Dave Bly for winning the John Boiteau Memorial Award for the
best cover photo used on The Sacred Octagon. It showed Dave's award-winning
green TC being used as the Chase Car for a hot-air balloon rallye. Will reported
the chapter had added over5O member families in 1984 and he gave a quick
preview of a spring GOF in Cincinnati and a fall GOF at Punderson State Park.
The issue ran two articles, the first being "The OOTTT, A South African
Viewpoint " reprinted from the South African Airways Flying Springbok. The
author, Norman Ewing, chairman of the South African MG Car Club, had
participated in the Ocean to Ocean trip and was the organizer of the 1986 MG
Indaba (Zulu for "get together") in Johannesburg. The second article, "African
MG Tour, An American Viewpoint," was by Ohio Chapter members Roy and
Lois Wood. High points of the three-week hip had been a concours in
Johannesburg with 300 MGs, a welcoming dinner with 600 people, a party at a
crocodile farm with a torch-lit war dance by 30 Zulu warriors, and a luxurious
Blue Train trip from Capetown to Johannesburg. The out-of-country visitors had
included 31 Americans, six Dutch, four Australians, two English and a family of
five from Bahrain.
Jack and Meier Bauer offered an account of traveling with Kate (about two) on 'h
long ride in a T-car" to the national gathering in Albany. Despite adventures, it
was an encouraging account for other parents of young children. And they won
the distance award. Dave Zyp, in Spare xChange, wrote of his work on some d
the cars that were on the OOTTT that had needed major repairs. He reported,
"Of the cars with head or valve troubles, all experienced some of the same
symptoms which can be attributed to not having enough lead in our gas." And
Editor Williams ended the issue with a notice that the Vintage MG Club d
Chicago was attempting to buy stainless steel valves (four times the life d
regular valves) in sufficient quantity to keep the cost to around $1+$16 per
Editor Williams altered the look of the Crier for the new year with a drawing of
an MG TA Tickford on the cover. A short cutline read: "Made 1938 to1939.
Approdmately 252 Produced." On the title page, the GOF hosts for 1987 Ohio
Chapter events were the Yaussy's for the Natter N' Noggin, the Bauers for GOF
XXXV in the spring and Ralph and Florence Tenney for the fall GOF, number
This March issue was spare, with GOF registration info and forms. In the
"Chairman's Comer," Will Kennard reported that nine Ohio Chapter members,
all wearing matching rugby shirts, had attended the February New England
Natter'N Noggin in Springfield, Maine. He reported that "each chapter can
obtain liability insurance for meets at no charge from the New England Register."
hr "Scribes from the Glow," Dan wrote of the Yaussy's Natter, and apologized for
not getting to the TC steering portion of his technical presentation. He had
covered the hydraulic/mechanical brake portion. An uncertainty "about which
way the 'dished washer' should be oriented had been clarified by john Linn and
there was an illustration showing the correct position.
hr Spare xChange, Dave Zyp reported on "some nice cars for sale," Jerry Temple's
TC and Jim Williams M Type "a real hoot to drive" and over55 years old. He
recommended the Nationwide stores for their nut and bolt rack, though pricey,
and a new video tape from Moss about rebuilding and tuning SU carburetors.
The cover of the June 1987 Crier had a drawing of the
MG-TC and noted, "Made 1945 to 1949 Approximately
10,000 Produced." Will Kennard urged response to a
special mailing of a registration form, due June 3Q to
ensure that the chapter would have the entire Punderson
State Park Lodge for the busy fall weekend. Among the
standard columns, Dan Glow wrote of New Parts That
Don't Fit " and included some interesting statistics on an
exhaust valve, for example. Originally, when the
[Abingdon] factory was in full swing in the 50s, they were
producing about 8,000 cars a year....Small suppliers,
jobbing shops, were prolific at that time and 32,000 pieces
was a pretty good annual order. There were no doubt
countless suppliers to the manufacturer who would be
only too willing to bid a quality part at very reasonable
prices. Then too, the technology to produce the product
was consistent with the time at which the parts were
The rub n1987 was that the run of exhaust valves for an XPAG engine was 500.
After talking about the specs, a manufacturer would say, "Sorry sir, we're just not
set up for what you want." Dan credited Moss Motors and Abingdon Spares
with doing a great job keeping MGT parts affordable but warned "it is always
wise to check all mechanical parts before forcing things together."
A registration form was included for the national GOF West in Snowmass in the
Rockies and there was a form, for the first time, for University Motors' 11th
Annual Summer Party in Grand Rapids.
The September Crier cover featured a MC TD drawing, noting "Made 1950 t)
1953 Approximately 30,000 Produced." Will Kennard reported that the "1987
Beaulieu Cup came home to Ohio" for the sixth consecutive year. The victory
"was especially sweet because the Michigan Chapter had vowed to win this year"
and several of Ohio's faithful team cars were unable to participate in the drive tr
the Springfield, Mass GOF. "However, our Ohio Chapter team spirit cam
through as 46 people arrived in 26 cars," which included 15 member cars from
Ohio, six from Ontario, two from West Virgina, and, surprisingly, three cars
from Ohio Chapter members in New Jersey and New York. The aggregate
earning the cup had been over 15,000 miles.
Bob Satava, apparently subbing for Dan Glow, offered "Tech Tips" to keep your
car serviced from top to bottom. He covered windshield replacement, installing
a canvas top, frozen wheel (brake) cylinders, and gasoline drips. For the latter,
he offered a non-technical solution a "Rector Seal #5 on each fitting, a material
that really is impervious to gasoline and found in plumbing shops."
There was a registration form for the national GOF in October in the Hershey
Pocono Resort in White Haven PA. And there was, again in 1987,a reprint of
the Bob Brumfield column from the Cincinnati Enquirer titled 'A Bloody Sad
Thing for Motor Car Fanciers," circa 1979. For sale was a 1953 YB Saloon "looks
god, runs great " by Jim Williams.
The 1987 December Crier completed the run of drawings of T cars, the MG TF
with notation: Made 1953 to 1955 Approximately 9,600 Produced. Will Kennard,
retiring as chapter chairman, had planned to recap "the good times" but wrote d
one of our most dedicated members, J.R. Brehm of Arcanum who had
unexpectedly passed away in November. "Due to his enthusiasm [as
membership chair], Ohio grew in membership to be the largest chapter in the
New England MG-T Register." J.R. and Gertrude had helped with many meets
and hosted two Ohio GOFs. But Will's greatest tribute read: "He was the kind d
gentleman who always made everyone feel welcome. He would help anyone in
need by trailering a disabled car, retrieving needed parts or just being there to
lend moral support."
There were registration forms for a national Natter in Windsor Locks, Conn. the
Kimber Festival in April in Providence R.I. and the Ohio Natter, again hosted by
the Yaussys. A personal report by Roy Wood, titled "The Car That Made It"
recounted the Woods first participation on a Beaulieu Cup Team. A good start
for the eight-car team had been short circuited in the middle of Pennsylvania
when Roy suffered a heart attack. "It was great to see how MG people react in an
emergency. J.R. slipped a nitro tablet under my tongue, Joan [Baumgardner], a
nurse, was busy checking my pulse, and the rest started switching cars" to give
him the back seat of a YT in a trip to a local hospital. There followed a helicopter
flight to a trauma center in Pittsburgh, where, in a few hours, he was in
satisfactory condition and Lois had a guest room in the hospital. Jim Pesta had
driven Lois there, and others got the Wood's car to Pete and Vicky Hempstead's
in New York.
Jim Williams continued the tale, which included a broken rear end in Tom's YT
and a helpful ride in a sheriff's car to a MG junk yard for a truck to tow the car.
"About midnight, driving in the rain on a very dark road just following the little
red tail lights in front of us, we climbed a mountain and there we were in Pete
and Vicky's front yard with everyone waving flashlights to show the tow truck
and the rest of use where to go." At 1:00 a.m. they had the cookout Vicky had
prepared and fell into beds Vicky had found. A cooperative effort got the YT
repaired, and there was a good report on Roy. "Knowing how excited he was to
be driving his MG to a national GOF for the first time, we decided it would be
great to take his TD on to Springfield," a drive volunteered by Lou Phillips.
"And that's the story of how Roy Wood's MG got to the GOF in Springfield
without him."
A speech by Meier Bauer, "The Magic of MG," given at the GOF had so
captivated Jim Williams, after the Ohio team's en route experience, that he
ended the issue with a copy of it
With the publication of the first Crier of 1988, the March issue, there was a list of
new officers. Whether new to the board, taking over new duties or carrying
forward, they were all familiar names.
Chairman -Jack Bauer
Secretary - Phyllis Hall
Publicity -Roy Wood
Technical - Dan Glow
Regalia - Sharon and
George Hasek
Treasurer - Rita Glow
Past Chairman - Will Kennard
Membership - Gertrude Brehm
Spares -Dave Zyp
Editor- Owen J. Williams
The hosts for Ohio Chapter GOFs were the Yaussys for the natter, the Central
Ohio MG-T Owners for GOF XXXVII in the summer and Dave ]Jackman and
Linda Stokes with Linda and Joe Diamond for GOF XXXVIII in the fall.
[r the "Chairman's Comer," Jack wrote of a trip different from the "ritualistic
drive of 500 miles" to the national natter. The hosts, Dave and Joanne Raymond,
had scheduled the weekend at the Hartford (Conn.) Airport. Amid financial
reports, he reported that the Ohio and Michigan Chapters were withdrawing
from the Beaulieu Cup competition for the year. There were the usual features,
including an events listing and registration forms, the first being for the Central
Ohio hosted June GOF at the Mid-Ohio track, with a quick review of what
members could expect. Other registration forms were included for the GOF
Central Mark X in Topeka, Kansas, the GOF West in Reno, and the summner
NEMGTR GOF in Andover, MA. In "Valve Clatter," Dan Glow reported on the
Ohio Natter's program on chrome plating and offered a 14 point checklist to get
members cars ready for the driving season.
Editor William's June issue of the Crier began a series of marvelous stippled
illustrations credited to Ann Alexander of San Diego this one of a TC. The
wrap-around conception was by Jim Pesta. This series would continue on four
more cover illustrations of a MGA" a Vintage T-series race, a display of MGs, and
an MG exiting a covered bridge.
This was a lean issue. Jack Bauer wrote of an early outing with the Zyps to the
Mason-Dixon Steeplechase where driving an old British car qualified you to
bring your "T' car into the tailgaters area. There was a picnic competitive event,
and Meier's menu, chilled avocado lime soup to champagne sorbet, was in Jack's
words "adequate. But the two little T-cars put us over the top [for] the Best of
Show trophy."
Jeri Kennard offered an admiring report on the Mid-Ohio Race Course GOF and
the planning that had gone into it made "it different from any other Ohio
Chapter met previously held." In addition to some of the "standard, backbone
features," those attending - in some 48 cars for the car display - had the
opportunity to participate in the Vintage Car Race. No mention of how many
actually did, but "the excitement of watching the [Saturday] time trials and
[Sunday] race was surpassed only by the fact that our cars were allowed to lap
the race course on both days." Photos documented the event.
An advance story on the Hockng Hills GOF told of plans for an October driving
tour through the Hocking State Park, a real old fashioned hill clmb and a
Sunday morning train ride on the Hocking Valley Scenic Railway. There was
also a promo for the NEMGTR Gathering in mid-September at the Otesaga Hotel
in Cooperstown, NY.
The third and last Crier of 1988 featured a long three-page article on Joseph
Lucas, the often vilified "great man" who with his son turned their partnership
into Joseph Lucas Ltd in 1897, a time when acetylene was just becoming accepted
for use in lamps. Editor Williams, unable to answer questions about the man
behind the company that inspired so many Lucas jokes, had sought the
assistance of the promotions manager of Lucas Industries to put together the
There was a photo spread of snapshots from the Hocking Hills GOF and
Chairman Jack Bauer reported on the fall meet where "the enthusiasm was
pervasive and the Sunday weather brutal." Again the quote of Jack Breen on MG
events surfaced: "You have fun in direct proportion to how miserable you are."
In the Volume 20 Number 1 issue, a switch from calling it the March issue, the
Ohio Chapter GOF hosts were given as the Yaussys for the Natter N Noggin,
Harriet and Bob Forbes for GOF XXXIX in the summer/ and Pat and Dave Zryp
for the GOF XL in the fall. Chairman Bauer's report from the NEMGTR natter
told of interest in "a remake of the Marathon" to get in on some of the fun of the
VMG people of Chicago. His description of the idea offered insights into how
such events came about and the reasoning behind them.
But since their Reliability Run already offers an opportunity to average
over 75 mph in a T-series for more miles than anyone much cares to
think about, the Register thinks it would be better to set this up as a TSD
event requiring an average of something reasonable - say 62 - for one
thousand miles. The idea is to start in Cincinnati...and to go Nashua, NH
[the summer national GOF] by some set route, complete with several
timing controls along the way. Hank Rippert is in charge of developing
this idea...and the whole thing appears to be happening. Plan to party in
Cincinnati Wednesday before the GOF and leave on the longest TSD
Rallye for old MGs in recent memory.
Mileage would count toward the Beaulieu Cup, which the Ohio Chapter was
again planning to participate in.
Dan Glow in "Valve Clatter" wrote of a Dave Zyp and Jim Pesta winter Tech
Session which demonstrated the directions given in their booklet on rebuilding a
T-series engine. Dan returned to the problem of parts that don't fit, this time
concentrating on those needed for engine rebuilding. He recommended "some
vital rules to follow" and two bibles to use for standard dimensions, Blowers
Manual or the XPAG Engine by W.D.F. Wood.
There was a registration form and advance story on the end-of-May Ohio GOF to
be held at the Harley Hotel East in Willoghby Hill, hosted by the Forbes. And
there was notice of a new event, a Iuly 1 Wyandot Picnic Rallye conceived of by
Phil and Dallas Smith. "It is not a timed event but rather a three to five hour
drive around Wyandot County, including stops at several points of historic
interest as the county is the site of the last Indian Reservation in Ohio," Phil
wrote. The day event would close with a cookout. Other upcoming events
receiving notices we the MG GOF Central in St. Louis in mid-July and the end of
June NEMGTR Gathering in Nashua, NH.
Secretary Phyllis Hall reported from a chapter trustees business meeting at the
winter natter on changes the chairman proposed in the chapter's code of
regulations. After discussion, the motion on the proposal as tabled and a
committee named to study the regulations and develop recommendations.
By the September 1989 issue, Secretary Phyllis Hall wrote of a May 2l committee
meeting "to reorganize the Record of Proceedings of the Incorporators, Members
and Trustees of the Ohio Chapter of the New England MG-T Register."
Committee members were long-standing chapter members, Rita and Dan Glow,
Phyllis and Dick Hall and Paul Johnson. Input had also come from Jim Yaussy
and Will Kennard. Phyllis wrote that the suggested changes followed how the
chapter had actually been run in recent years. The articles of the code had been
simplified with the intent of making them flexible for club growth. The
committee hoped that the suggestions would make the membership more
involved in the policy making and running of the club. The proposed changed
were published for the Crier's readers to review before being voted on at the fall
Chairman Bauer wrote of the return of the Beaulieu Cup back to Ohio, "where it
belongs." The Hank Rippert thousand mile TSD rally from Cincinnati to Nashua,
N.H. had been held and Paul Johnson had made the trip in exactly 20 hours. Jack
added a notice of the untimely passing of Roy Wood during the summer.
Dan Glow, still following up on engine rebuilding wrote of "The Everett
Bowman, sweet and simple or down and dirty, way to install an XPAG main seal
(oil thrower.)"
The events listing covered the Ohio Chapter and NEMGTR events from
September 1989 through September 7990,and included the first Crier notice of
the Circuit of Britain scheduled for the next July. Registration forms and
information were included for the upcoming fall meet at Kings Island, and the
June 1-3 1990 meet at Put-in-Bay on South Bass Island in Lake Erie, "the site of
the infamous Put-in-Bay Sports Car Races of the 1950s on South Bass Island."
The hosts would be Dave and Shelia Bly and the logistics would included
ferrying the cars from Catawba Point to the island. Anew Miller Boat Line's
ferry would allow members to drive both on and off the boat assuring "complete
control of our MGs."
In the December Cier, Jack Bauer opened his chairman's column with a tale
about a nephew who had "the unofficial record for elapsed time between
Cincinnati and Dallas-Fort Worth in a little less than 12 hours, averaging
something over 83 mph for about 1000 miles." His passenger had been his
grandmother who was 94 and got around with a walker. "Grandma navigated
and changed tapes as needed. She didn't drink any coffee before they left."
Phyllis Hall, in a published secretary's report, wrote that the proposed changes
in the Ohio Chapter Code of Regulations had been approved unanimously at the
King's Island meet.
Dan Glow reported on a new T-Register event called "the safety fast tech check "
apparently introduced at the last GOF in Saratoga Spring in September. He
expected it to become standard "bill of fare" at all future gatherings and
described it for readers.
The idea is to give your car a really thorough mechanical safety check.
Mind you, this is not the once around check the state highway patrol uses
or even the race committees at most race tracks. The fact is that lights,
horn and the normal stuff aren't even checked. What is checked are the
items that are seldom looked at in day-to-day operation after a car has
been restored. [A] crew worked hard and long to run all the cars
through. About 70 cars entered, only 14 passed.
Congratulations to Jim Yaussy and Fred Kuntz, our only Ohio chapter
members to pass....Your tech chairman's TD flunked.
The items inspected are: carburetors, fuel and water pumps for soundness
and leaks, the wiring and battery for condition and security of all
fasteners and connections. The tires, all suspension and steering
components for fit, straightness, function and general condition. The
door latches, fuel cap latch and gasket, seat belts and optional fire
extinguished for general condition. Then you drive your car onto the
ramps so all the lower chassis components can be checked. Here is where
rack boots, A arm ends and rubber, swivel pins, king pins, tie rod ends,
shocks, brake hoses, master cylinder, clutch linkage, transmission
mounts, oil leaks and wiring can all be thoroughly checked. All items are
rated good, serviceable (showing age but OK), needs work (showing age
working, but should be attended to soon), and unsafe (go fix it, don't go
far or fast!)
Dan added that he thought "this safety check is a great idea and I wonder if we
should incorporate it into some of our Ohio Chapter Meets? Your feed back on
this one would be appreciated."