Official Club Hangout _

Club History 1975 to 1979
Volume six, number one of the Crier featured another Henry Haserot drawing,
this one of a TC. Inside, perhaps the biggest and best news from the Roscoe
Village Gathering in October was Jim Yaussy's report of Ohio Chapter
membership-126 and growing! The summer gathering was announced for
Lancaster, to be hosted by the Zukovs.
The Crier again printed several paragraphs from the minutes of the Register
Board of Directors meeting of February 1,1975. It was reported that there were
25 to 30 local groups with four or five in formation. It was moved and approved
that the Register issue certificates of accreditation to such groups. Continued
affiliation with the Register would require the submission of an article each year
for publication in The Sacred Octagon. Discussion and lengthy debate followed
regarding Register affiliation for MGA owners. Several motions were made and
defeated; no action was taken.
"Valve Clatter" made its regular appearance and was followed by a plea for a
Buckeye Beaulieu Challenge. When last awarded, the Beaulieu Cup was won by
the Michigan Chapter, which fielded a team of 10 cars. The distance to the
upcoming Register Gathering in Springfield, Massachusetts, was estimated to be
600 miles, and a team of 15 cars was hoped for.
A new column appeared in this issue, "Gundrums Graffiti," and the "Odds and
Ends Department" reprinted an article from the March 1956 issue of Hot Rod.
Titled "Full House MG," it pictured a dual overhead cam kit for the XPAG
And with this issue color appeared for the first time in the Crier. A single page of
snapshots was supplied by Ray Kuhar, reproduced via color Xerox!
Volume six, number two, of the Crier found ]oy and Birdie Nichols preparing for
a trip to the Ontario Chapter Gathering. During these early years of both
chapters activity, the relationship was very close. ]ay wrote that "the hospitality
of the Canadians can't be beat, and the American MGers are always welcomed
with enthusiasm." This issue's "Nichols Worth" ended sadly with jay's report of
the unexpected death of Guynne Collacott. She, her husband Brian and their
children were Canadians, active in both chapters and exemplifying perfectly
what is meant by octagonal fellowship.
Volume seven, number one of the Crier took note of new Ohio Chapter officers;
Bob Gressard was chair, Jay Nichols membership chair, and Jack Smittle
publicity chair. The issue featured a cover illustration drawn by David Lawley, a
1936 TA Airline Coupe. "Midget Madness," the chairman's column, offered a
welcome to new members, jay Nichols having reported 25 such. The column also
mentioned "the second annual Natter 'N Noggin," held at the Montville Inn near
Medina, the first mention in the Crier of such an Ohio Chapter event.
"Seabrook's Sump" plead again for support of the Buckeye Beaulieu Cup
Challenge. Lee Kulis hoped for a team to wrest the cup from the Michigan
Chapter. And Dan Glow's "Valve Clatter," as was usual, made interesting and
useful reading on the subject of crankcase ventilation.
The issue also included a brief synopsis of business conducted at the Natter 'N
Noggin. Action taken included the appointment of Jay Nichols as awards
chairman and Jack Smittle as historian.
Concluding this issue were several pages devoted to the text of Ohio Senate Bill
52, Ohio's Collector's Vehicle Bill. Gathered by Jack Smittle the text of the bill
was followed by several paragraphs of explanation.
And finally an invitation from host Tom Metcalf to attend the Ohio Chapter
Gathering, Mark XIII, on the campus of Ashland College. The dates were July
Volume seven number two of the 1976 spring Crier again featured a drawing by
David Lawley, this time a1939 TB Drophead Coupe.
"So much has happened and is about to happen " wrote Bob Gressard, 'how to
cover it all?" There was the upcoming Ohio Chapter Gathering in Ashland, a
Register Gathering, the Bicentennial Challenge, and the Stan Hywet Show.
Jay Nichols reported having mailed 20 applications for Ohio Chapter
membership on request, 13 promptly returned: And with obvious conviction,
Birdie Nichols supplied an explanation of 'Why We Don't Have Concours."
"Something from Smittle" spoke to the winter months and the rewarding
challenge of hands-on work in the garage. This was not simply armchair counsel.
Since, for most of us, doing this kind of work is so far removed from our
vocations that the maintenance and restoration of our MGs becomes a real
challenge. This challenge includes: research, reading, talking with fellow MG-T
owners, courage, physical strength, busted knuckles, agility,dirt in our eyes/
studying, talking with fellow MG-T owners, writing orders for parts, more tears,
developing physical skills, imagination originality, more reading, try again,
improvise, and last but not least, talking with fellow MG-T owners.
Another view of "do it yourself' followed, this from the Trillium Times, the
newsletter of the Ontario Chapter. A list was introduced thusly: "Those of us
who have spent many years in restoration work understand only too well that
'Murphy's Law' is usually in full operation. 'Murphy's Law' is simply that "If
anything can go wrong, it will." There followed 17 "grim facts about restoration
work...that go a long way towards explaining why you will never succeed in
completing your restoration as quickly or as economically as you had expected."
Selected facts follow:
Interchangeable parts won't.
Availability of a part is inversely proportional to your need for it.
After a part has been fully assembled, extra components will be found on
the bench.
A dropped tool will land where it can do most damage, or where it will
be most inaccessible.
Sometimes it will do both. (This is known as the law of selective
Components that must not and cannot be assembled incorrectly will be.
An adjustable spanner used to remove a component will either be too
tight or too slack to replace the same part, even it you try to replace it
Hermetic seals will leak.
To estimate the time a restoration will take carefully work out how long
you expect the job to take, then treble it. To estimate the cost, carefully
work out all known expenditure, then quadruple it. You will still be
wrong, but not as wrong as you would have been if you had believe
your first estimates.
This issue's "Valve Clatter" was devoted to ignition systems, and was followed
by an article from Motor Trend, the subject matter - a supercharger which
promised 148 horsepower for the TC.
A change for the Crier came in September, 1976. A David Lawley drawing on the
cover, but that cover was of colored stock. Inside was a new typeface, welcome
white space, lots of illustration and the use of more colored stock.
"Midget Madness" had much to report of Ohio Chapter activity-and honors.
First came the Ohio Chapter Gathering in Ashland, a great success and the
occasion for first displaying the new banner created by Birdie Nichols. Then
there was the Stan Hywet Show, where Bob Jensen's TD took entrants' choice
and Fred Kuntz' TC best in class. "Class was the word for the day" Chairman
Gressard wrote, a tribute as well to "the Bly's splendid kick-off party!"
The Ohio Chapter took more awards at the Register Gathering in Buck Hill, Pa.
Fred Kuntz and Lee Kulis were first and second in the premier class. The Jensen's
TD took best TD and second in judged concours. J.R. and Mary Behm took best
unrestored in their TD, and the Kuhar's YB took third in the same class. To top it
all off, Addie Johnson took first in the black and white photo contest.
The Ohio Chapter was also well represented in the Bicentennial Rallye, a
national Register event that visited the capitals of the original 13 states.
Chairman Grissard, a participant, found it "much like an eight day GOF." Birdie
Nichols supplied a day-by-day account of the Bicentennial Ralley. For other
events, Manley Ford supplied an account of the Ashland Gathering and an insert
to the Crier supplied details of the fall Ohio Chapter Gathering to be held in
Dayton, October 8-10 and hosted by members of the Southwestern Ohio Centre
MG Club.
"Valve Clatter" appeared as usual, but on this occasion the clatter was not Dan's.
He was recovering from a motorcycle accident and former newsletter editor Dick
Louis filled in. The unusual and interesting subject matter was "British Patents
and Registered Design." After considerable research, Dick had obtained patent
information, drawings and related text from London. The first such drawing,
with related text, was reproduced in this issue, and was titled "Improvements
Relating to Vehicle Steering Mechanisms." This was followed by yet more tech
talk, an article from a 1952 issue of Road and Track titled "S.U.
Carburetors...servicing and tuning."
The December Crier,volume seven, number four, was a holiday issue and
featured David Lawley's season's greetings, a drawing of a 1934 PA.
Chairman Gressard's "Midget Madness" offered 'The Ins and Outs of T-Series
Motoring," this patterned after a like piece which had appeared in Car and Driver.
"Eating Danish pastry at the Bly's Stan Hywet Bash is in.
Drinking their Bloody Mary's might well be illegal." Or,
"Being able to name three factory colors correctly is in;
remembering more than three is impossible, even for the boys
in Abingdon."
"Seabrook's Sump" saluted the MG Car Club, Southwestern Ohio Centre, for a
well organized and successful gathering. Craig also announced the decision d
the Ohio Chapter board of directors to hold a winter get-together. The board had
traditionally met in February and now it was Jack Smittle's suggestion that the
meeting be opened to the membership and include a tech session.
It was dues time, and editor Seabrook reminded his readers of the increase in
dues, approved by the board, from $3 to $5.
"Something from Smittle" provided more information regarding the upcoming
Natter N Noggin. Scheduled for February 19 and 20, two tech sessions would
feature DanGlow on "Basic Electrics," and Jay Nichols and Craig Seabrook on
the MG-T braking system. The site for this first mid-winter session would be the
Holiday Inn at the intersection of I71 and Route 18.
"Valve Clatter" revealed the full story of Dan's broken ankle and the
resuscitation of his M-Type with the aid of Paul ]ohnson and Walt Ellert It was a
good story, and as Dan wrote at its dose,'No matter what you may lack, the
knowledge, the skill, the physical ability to do the project, as long as you are rich
in friends...nothing is impossible. You do get by with a little help from friends."
Chapter secretary Birdie Nichols reported on Ohio Chapter gatherings, the
summer GOF scheduled for the third weekend in July on the campus of
Denison University, Granville, and the fall gathering to be held in New
Dick Louis offered the second in the series of "British Patents and Registered
Design." This one, including both text and drawing, was titled "Improvements
Relating to Tensioning Means for Power Transmitting Chains."
From the Trillium News came a somewhat revised version of "The Night Before
Christmas," with apologies to Clement Moore.
T'was the night before Christmas and out in the shed
All the "T" cars were fucked into bed.
The children were down in their cots for the night,
Dreaming of GOFs that turned out all right.
Mom in her nightie and I in my shoes...
Were having a nip of the Old Christmas booze.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash
Tripping on chairs as I started to dash,
When what with my blurry eyes did I see...
But an odd looking man driving a "T".
The bundled up driver emitted a yawn
As he flashed that strange symbol...the Octagon.
Then up to the rooftop the 'T" car it flew,
With a bag full of goodies landing there too.
I drew in my head and was turning around,
When down the chimney he came with a bound.
He was dressed in a jacket with badges sewn on,
His one stop of many before the grey dawn.
A sack full of "T" parts were flung on his back,
And he look like a salesman just opening his pack.
His eyes-also blurry'-his glasses fogged up
He started unloading, knocked over a cup.
He spoke not a word, just unloaded each thing
To stock up the "T" parts we'd asked him to bring.
He finished unloading, decided to go,
Rose up the chimney and into the snow.
]umped into his "T" and turned on the key,
I looked at the parts he left there for me.
Then I heard him exclaim as he drove through the stars,
"Merry Christmas to all and to all you "T" cars."
The March issue of the Crier, volume eight, number one, brought a lament from
Chairman Bob Gressard. He had a bad cold induced by over indulgence in top
down driving. "I'm not as young as I once was. No more top down, no heater,
damn the elements, press on all winter."
The first natter in Medina had been highly successful, thanks to Jack Smittle for
the idea, and to "wheel chair bound Paul Johnson for the follow through." Tech
session expertise was provided by jay Nichols, Craig Seabrook, and Dan Glow.
"Seabrook's Sump" noted the June date for the Stan Hywet Show and the
Register Gathering in Dearborn the following week. The Ohio Chapter was again
to mount a Buckeye Challenge for the Beaulieu Cup.
Craig announced several changes in the "Crier," among them the treatment of
technical articles as loose supplements.
Jay's "Nichols Worth" reported a total of 110 paid memberships, "with more lab
comers arriving each week." The membership roster included "T" owners from
nine states!
"Something from Smittle" reviewed Ohio's special license categories, Historic
Motor Vehicles and Collectors' Vehicles. Jack also shared his genealogical quest,
not in search of family, but rather in the past history of his TC.
Just as promised, "Valve Clatter" was a single sheet, unattached. The subject was
head gaskets.
Dick Louis continued to share his research into "British Patents and Registered
Design." Hoping to discover the drawing and patent application for the familiar
MG octagon, he found instead the drawing of a wholly unfamiliar badge. The
drawing was registered in ]uly of 1938 by Morris Motors.
Chairman Gressard led off volume eight number two in 1977 with reminders of
upcoming events and a brief recap of the 26th annual Alley Rally of the
Cleveland Sports Car Club where the Ohio Chapter was well represented.
"Seabrook's Sump" offered details of the fall Ohio Chapter Gathering to be
hosted by Manley and Kaye Ford and Tom and Susie Scott at a Ramada Inn in
the Akron Canton area.
Dan Glow, celebrating the sale of the one millionth Honda motorcycle, was
reported to be unable to find his typewriter. Thus no "Valve Clatter." But from
the MG Tattler came a short piece on the oil pump. "British Patents and
Registered Design" returned,this time text and drawing of "Improvements to
Road Vehicle Steering Mechanisms."
The final page of this issue was borrowed from the T-Times, the newsletter of the
Michigan Chapter. Titled "Bird's Eye View," it promised "to tell if your husband
has been in the hobby too long." Wisdom was evident. For example:
If his birthdays no longer mean adding another year, but an excuse for
adding another 'T" car.
If he has more pictures in his billfold of his car than of you and the kids.
If he can explain what GOF means without feeling silly.
Chairman Gressard's "Midget Madness" in volume eight, number three was a
valedictory, his last column as Ohio Chapter chair. Craig, too, wrote that the
beginning of the end was in sight for him as editor of the Crier.
Tom Metcalf supplied this issue with a spirited summary of the Mohican Hill
Climb, held in August in Lucas, Ohio. Forty five cars were entered, the Ohio
Chapter well represented. "Piloting a dandy TF was Doc Yaussy, who resembled
the famous Tazio Nuvolari, gritting his teeth as he took it to the limit.... Bob
Satava...had a fresh TD that he stripped of all excess weight, including most d
his clothes, in order to gain a few hundredths over the next guy." There were
others, too. But in Class E, Bob Satava took second, Doc Yaussy third, and
author/driver Tom Metcalf fourth."something from Smittle" was also a
valedictory of a sort. Jack was to relinquish his position as publicity chairman
but certainly not his continuing active participation in Ohio Chapter activity.
His column offered thanks to the hosts of the Granville Gathering, Dave and
Nancy Gaston and Josh and Marilyn Gille. Too, Jack's column paid much
deserved tribute to the enormous contribution made to the Ohio Chapter by
Craig and Nancy Seabrook.
Much of this issue was devoted to a reprint from The Sacred Octagon, a piece by
Dick Knudson titled "Production Facts and Numbers." Then another reprinted
article, this one from Road and Track, the issue of October, 1951, and titled 'MG
Sets Record for 1-Hour at Bonneville."
Then yet another reprint, this one from an October 1950 issue of Motor Magazine.
It was a quiz on the MG-TD Midget. Answers were supplied, printed on the
inside of the back cover.
Dan's "Valve Clatter" took a new direction. Recognizing lob of varied expertise
among Ohio Chapter members, Dan offered his readers an interview with fay
Nichols on the subject of water pumps.
Dick Louis was back again with "British Patents and Registered Design." With
text and drawing as usual, the subject was "Improvements Relating to Motor
Vehicle Front Wheel Mountings."
To end the issue was a parody of the verse of Robert Service titled 'l[he Ballad of
O'Leary's Test-A True Tale." The author escaped without identification.
A new editor brought a new look to the Crier. Manley Ford's first issue, that for
December 1977, was a slender but very attractive one. Featured was Susie Scott's
story of her last year's Christmas gift for her husband Tom, an MC-TC! On the
cover of the issue was a picture of the car.
The masthead reflected other changes; Birdie Nichols had become the Ohio
Chapter chair, Kathy Metcalf secretary, and ]im Beal publicity chair.
Manley's editor's column was titled "'T'-ing Off." And indeed he did. "All I said
was: 'Who the hell is Lord Nuffield?' and next thing I knew I was editor."
In other columns, Birdie Nichols in "Chirps from Your T' Bird" reviewed the old
year's events and offered gracious thanks to the retiring officers. Dan Glow
continued his interviews, on this occasion with Craig Seabrook. Dan's article was
titled "MG Wood -- making an ash of yourself."
The fall Ohio Chapter Gathering in Akron-Canton had been a wet one, successful
despite the weather. The Crier account of the Photo Rallye referred to the
participants as the "drip dry entrants."
The mid-winter natter was scheduled again for the Holiday Inn in Medina, and
would feature tech sessions with Jay Nichols on rebuilding water pumps and
Bob Satava and Manley Ford on engine rebuilding.
In the March issue of the Crier in 1978, volume nine, number one, Manley's
"'T'-ing Off' column pictured the pewter sculpture titled "Taking the Curve." The
work of sculptor Raymond Meyers, it pictured a TC at speed rounding a curve. ft
was to be the first in a series of "great sports cars." Initially available from the
Sports Car Club of America, editor Ford suggested that those interested in
purchase write directly to the Franklin Mint. The cost was $180.00.
"Chirps from Your T-Bird"' offered a hint to wives. "Be interested when your
husband is working on the car, and willing to help him if he asks you to. You'll
no doubt come to have 'that feeling' about as much as he does. I'll bet he'll be a
lot more willing to let you drive it...."
And more than that, Birdie wrote that "we have been thinking of having a Girls
Greaser Gathering sometime for the purpose of learning some of the basics about
your T' car. There are, for instance, things such as 1) flat tire, 2) funny noise, 3)
car stops, 4) car won't start, etc., etc. that can occur and occasionally do. So we
thought you would feel a little more confident about driving alone if you knew a
little more about this precious gem."
"Valve Clatter" offered thanks to all those involved in the natter technical
sessions. The engine tech session occupied nearly 12 hours, and interest was sudr
that a scheduled attitude adjustment hour was foregone! Jay Nichols reported a
total of 153 Ohio chapter members with paid up dues, and it was not yet March.
Announcements were of the Ohio Chapter summer gathering, hosted by Paul
and Addie Johnson and others, to be held July 14-16 at the Holiday Inn in
Strongsville, Ohio. The fall gathering would return to Burr Oak Lodge in
southeastern Ohio, hosted by Will and Jeri Kennard.
"Would you buy a used car from this man?" asked the July Issue Crier. This man
was Jim Yaussy, and "judging from the fact that [he] has owned some sixty cars
to date and has sold all but five, a lot of folks must have bought from him." This
front page lead and accompanying photograph prefaced a "Crier Closeup: A
Saturday Visit with Jim Yaussy." The interviewers were editor Manley Ford and
Tom Metcalf. The result was an interview as warm and good natured as the
Yaussys themselves.
The larger part of Manley's "'T'-ing Off" was devoted to an account of just how
each issue of the Crier came to be. It was a familiar story to any newsletter editor.
In volume nine, number three in l978,the Crier gave editor Manley Ford fire
opportunity to tell a story. It was an account, with imaginative additions, of his
return trip from the Register Gathering in Toronto. Manley and Kaye were part
of a small caravan, one of the cars without lights! It was a good story of a not
atypical MG adventure. Seems that en-route back from the GOF in Toronto,
driving through a 3:00 a.m. downpour, Pitchett's (no first names) TC was driving
without lights and...
'Formation flying,' I thought. 'Like the Blue Angels.' Hovering near the left wing
of Pritchett's TC, which was running without headlamps due to a failed
generator, I guided the TF so its 'main beam' could help light the road for both of
us. Across Interstate 90 we traveled, with the TF always in the same relative
position to the left and behind the TC.
]Jensen's TD led the modified V' formation of MGs, with the bleary-eyed
Pritchett ever-so-close behind using Bob's taillight and my headlights tr
find the way home -saving what was left of the battery. Behind and tr
the right were the Scotts in their TD and a little farther back and to the left
was the Ryan MGB with Lucas driving lamps that occasionally flashed,
signaling that a 'lesser vehicle' was about to overtake and for me to yield
the left lane long enough to let it by.
...Kaye was waking up. Yawning and rubbing her eyes she asked the
usual question, "How much further?'
'Couple hours, 'I said.
'You tired?'
'Having fun?'
Chair Birdie Nichols reported in her column on the Toronto Gathering and the
successes of the Ohio Chapter. It was, Birdie wrote, "a super time in the
Canadian way."
Jack Smittle and Jack Bauer reported on activity in Columbus and Cincinnati.
With tongue largely in cheek, Jack Bauer's account ended with this editorial
aside. "Was Jack hallucinating? Will the oil pressure problem be solved? Will
Meier take up residence elsewhere? Can this marriage be saved? Find out in the
next thrill-pa&ed episode in the December Crier!"
Dan Glow's "Valve Clatter" dealt with carburetors and included drawings for
"building an adult sandbox," that is a box for sandblasting small parts.
The issue ended with a charming article titled "First Encounters of the MG Kind."
It was written by Jim Beal, recently elected Ohio Chapter publicity chairman.
For volume nine, number four, 1978, the editor chose a summary in pictures of
the old year's activity in lieu of his usual column. Chair Birdie Nichols offered
thanks to Will and Jeri Kennard for hosting the Burr Oak Gathering and noted
with gratitude that the Kennards had kept records on the meet, sent to Birdie,
that were likely to be of interest and value to first-time hosts. She announced that
the summer gathering would be held in Cincinnati and hosted by Jack Bauer and
Dave Zyp. The site would be the College of Mount St Joseph, the dates July
20-22. The mid-winter Natter N Noggin was scheduled for the Merrick Motel in
Mansfield, February 10-11.
Well, "regular readers of the Crier will recall that in the last issue Jack Bauer was
about to expound at great but enjoyable length on the trials and tribs of his TD in
'How I spent my summer vacation."' The fact was, Jack did go on at great but
enjoyable length. In approximate order of their happening, the trip to the
Toronto Gathering was made in a Pontiac, but not without adventure; the TD
was sufficiently sound for the trip to Strongsville; not only sound enough for
Strongsville, but for continuing on to GOF West, in Vail, Colo. More important
Jack's marriage had survived. Fond as always of suspense, his account ended
with "continued next issue."
A new job for Manley Ford in far off Louisiana forced an end to his editorship of
the Crier. 'No matter how much editors bitch about missed deadlines and
working evenings and weekends and hassling with printers, editing a paper,
particularly one like the Crier, it is .great fun. I'll miss it."
This March issue of the "Crier" reprinted the Ten Commandments, these,
however, not the familiar Mosaic commandments. "Lifted" from Car Collector and
Car Classics, these were familiar enough to "T" car owners.
I Thou shalt not store thy cars out of doors, except for thy wife's modem iron.
II Thou shalt not covet they neighbor's car, nor his garage nor his battery
III Thou shalt not love thy cars more than thy wife and children; as much, but
not more.
IV Thou shalt not read the Hemmings Motor News on company time, lest thy
employer make it impossible to continue thy car payments.
V Thou shalt not despise they neighbor's Edsel, nor his DeSoto, nor even his
47 Plymouth.
VI Thou shalt not allow thy daughters nor thy sons to get married during the
holy days of a GOF.
VII Thou shalt not deceive thy wife into thinking that thee is taking her for a
romantic Sunday drive where indeed, thou art going to look at another
VIII Thou shalt not tell thy spouse the entire cost of thy latest restoration, at
least not all at the same time.
IX Thou shalt not promise thy wife a new addition to the house and then use it
to store cars? Thou shalt not store cars in the attic.
X Thou shalt not buy thy wife a floor jack for Christnas.
-Donald R.Peterson.
Plans for Ohio Chapter gatherings were fully on target, the summer meeting tl
be held in Cincinnati and the fall gathering to be a joint meeting with the Ontario
Chapter. The latter was to be hosted by Ohioan Ray Kuhar and Ontario's
Graham Johns. The site chosen was the Edinboro Castle Inn in Edinboro, Pa.
Jack Bauer continued his account of "How I spent my summer vacation." This
third installment told the story of the Bauer's adventures on the trip to and from
GOF West in Vail, Colo.
Craig Seabrook returned once again to the editor's chair with volume ten,
number two in June. The cover again featured the art of David Lawley. This
issue included a "Crier Closeup" featuring Bob Satava. Defining fully what was
meant by enthusiast, Bob had been active in Register and Ohio Chapter events
from the very beginning.
Chair Birdie Nichols led off volume ten, number three in September with a recap
of the Cincinnati gathering. The statistics alone were impressive; there were 157
registrants and 43 cars. Of these 43,30 took part in the River Rat
Rallye. Registrants included some 25 welcome guests from lndiana.
"Seabrook's Sump" reported the victory of Paul ]Johnson and Tom Scott in the
"Sea to Shining Sea" rallye, run from Long Island, N.Y. to San Diego, Calif. "They
drove Paul's TD, covered 2,800 miles in 50 hours and 28 minutes, averaging 56
mph." Craig also announced that Jack Bauer would assume Crier editorship with
the next issue.
Another "Crier Closeup" appeared, this a profile with pictures of Bob Beck and
"Valve Clatter" was devoted to an article submitted by Jim Yaussy. The subject
matter was tires, and Jim wrote that "the object of all this is to show that with
proper size tires, our cars can cruise the speed limit at less than 4500 rpm." The
final page of the issue reprinted an article from the January 1.,1951., issue of Road
and Track. Titled "MG Processing," it really was an admiring account of how MGs
reached showroom floors in the United States.
In the final issue for 1979, the new editor, Jack Bauer, inkoduced a new look to
the Crier. It was the beginning of a long series of covers that featured, most often,
photographs of members or events. The photos, framed in a less than three inch
square (what his printer could accommodate), were under a neat The Lord
Nuffield Crier title.
Editor Bauer began with an interview on a trip of the previous April when Paul
Johnson had matched prediction with achievement. In July Paul had proclaimed,
"Coast to coast in a T-car can be done in under 60 hours." In Q & A style the
interview with Paul and relief driver Tom Scott told of their trip, made in Paul's
supercharged TD, from Staten Island to San Diego in 50 hours and 28 minutes.
The two men reported a series of adventures from having to pass (successfully) a
State Patrol car because the MG missed if they slowed to his speed, driving off
the side of the road when Tom fell asleep (Paul already was), a sand storm
coupled with a rain storm to make a mud storm, weather cold enough to require
mittens, and a police stop point in Arizona to check for transport of wetbacks!
Paul's retort "Yeah, they're under the hood pedaling."
There was also an account by Geri Kennard of the damage done by the aftermath
of Hurricane Frederick which dumped 5 l/2 inches of rain on Newark, flooding
their home and cars with "three-feet plus" of water. The house was Pumped out
quickly and suffered no permanent damage. Although their Chevy was
considered totale4 the Kennards refused that evaluation for "Elizabeth." "She"
was towed to shop for steam cleaning, then Will and Geri stripped her "entire
interior out, bonnet, wings, top, all chrome and trim." I{hen reported in the
Crier, a mechanic was to bug rebuilding the engine, to be followed by the
Kennards stripping the paint before a professional paint job. The account
concluded with a "thank you to all members of the club who helped."
This December issue had a Dale Horton report on the September Indian Summer
tour for "19 of us" through Clermont, Brown and Adams counties on the way to
Moyers' Winery for dinner. "Not a hint of rain" for the third Cincinnati Summer
GOF in a row. Credit was given to "our Dynamic Duos, the Bauers and the
|ack Smittle reported on the third Annual Picnic of Central Ohio MG-T Owners
in August, a "mix of 18 MGs, 54 friendly people and a bright sunny Sunday
And Ray Kuhar reported on the first joint GOOOF for the Ohio and Ontario
chapters the end of September in Edinboro, Pa. Co-chairs were Ray and Charlene
Kuhar and Graham and Glennys John of the Canadian group. It was a test of
faith when Ray committed the two chapters for a dinner for 175. On Tuesday
there were 113 registered, by the start of the Funkana 170, and finally 175. There
had been 62 recognized cars with TDs predominating.
There was an obit of sorts for the closure of the Abingdon plant after "some 54
years of continuous production of the marque." It came in the form of a reprint of
a Cincinnati Enquirer editorial titled "It a Bloody Sad Thing" by Bob Brumfield,
"an enthusiast who has restored a PA." It concluded with the following two
Well, despite all the adverse criticism, the cars bearing the MG badge
in recent years have been excellent vehicles. Perhaps not the hairy-chested MGs
of the old "do or die" racing crowd, but sound, economical, reliable, sporty little
cars. And there's something to be said for cars whose drivers can spend more
time in them than under them.
But times change, and the economy dictated the end of the current MGVs and
Mark tr Midgets (Sprites). Now they're talking about possibly sticking *re
not-so-sacred anymore octagon on the radiator of Japanese Hondas and calling
them MGs. Which is sort of like adding a pagoda to Buckingham Castle, or King
Aurthur swinging a samurai sword.
This very full issue also announced an MG-T tour of England scheduled for June,
1980. There was a notice of the 1980 Natter'N Noggin in Mt Gilead in February,
to be hosted by Dan and Rita Glow, and Dan's technical column was titled "Care
& Feeding of Ball Bearings."
New board members for the year ahead, 1980, were announced. A new position
of trustee had been created to provide continuity.
Chairman - Paul Johnson
Membership -David Bly
Editor - Jack Bauer
Trustee - Craig Seabrook
Secretary - Nancy Seabrook
Regalia -Will Kennard
Publicity/Historian - Dave Zyp
Trustee - Birdie Nichols
And for the new 1,980 year ahead, chapter dues were being raised to $7.50 a year
to cover the increased costs of publishing the Crier.